Gone home is worthless.

It is one of the most uninvolving and uneventful walking sims ever and has next to nothing to offer but a somewhat dense atmosphere.
And even said atmosphere suffered because of the games age, since much of that atmosphere comes from the fact that the house the game takes place in was well designed for its time. It had a homey feel to it and felt crammed and cozy enough that one might think people could live there.

However this holds absolutely no candle against the more recent video game homes, seen for example in Uncharted 4.

And while the story, its premise and solution is unique, at least for video games, unique doesn't mean interesting and it certainly doesn't mean good.

Aaaaaand the resolution of the story has to be one of the most unsatisfying, throwaway, lazy and cheap resolutions to any story ever. Something that was surely done exclusively for the purpose of subverting expectations.

Please stay away from this pretentious hipster garbage.

Reviewed on Feb 24, 2021


3 years ago


3 years ago

you had me until you mentioned uncharted 4
honestly when you put it like that, this might just be bait. Especially considering the thinly-veiled-homophobic issue with the resolution

3 years ago

gay people getting a happy ending is unsatisfying, throwaway, lazy, and cheap? cope

3 years ago

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the steins;gate enjoyer has logged in to defend homophobia

3 years ago


3 years ago

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3 years ago

lmao they blocked me on here and twitter and then tweeted their review while locking replies to only those they follow who's coping now

3 years ago

Wtf? No, I did not block you on twitter, because I basically never block anybody.

I am just majorly caught of guard that this review of all things caused so much backlash.

And for the record: No, I did not dislike the resolution because it involved gay people.
i'm not talking about you i'm talking about Aymr
also check the backloggd front page that's why you're being seen at all

3 years ago

Oh I see.

Whelp. That answers one question then.

3 years ago

I got blocked from Amyr and I don't even know why, I just saw their comments lmao

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago


3 years ago

You’d have to be extremely ignorant of the culture surrounding the game if you seriously think for a moment the idea of calling the uplifting earnest realization of the relationship being cherished instead of torn apart as expected isn’t something other than dismissing the idea of them getting their happy ending. And then tail-ending it as being pretentious and hipster, for what reason? Nothing about the game is particularly obfuscated or difficult to understand, but you’re quick to dismiss that there was any meaning at all. I will call that homophobic, and you being bi doesn’t change shit. You don’t get to call the lgbt sexuality card for saying something anti-lgbt. Grow up

3 years ago

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3 years ago

this review being on the console version makes this all 3x funnier

3 years ago

yo vengo a bardear al furrix

3 years ago


3 years ago

Something is "pretentious" if it tries to imply significance to someting completely insignificant.

And to me, Gone Home is a picture perfect example of this. Go on. Tell me what I missed.

This game tells a bog-standard love story with the messege "love is good, follow your heart" that has been told a zillion times already.

And gone home is only distinct from all the rest is because it is an LGBTQ love story that's a video game. And only because of the combination too. It is not destinct because it's an LGBT love story. It is not destinct because it is a video game. It is only distinct because it is an LGBT Love story that has been made as a video game.


What is the deeper meaning here?

There is nothing there.
Reading it as just the love story shows a demonstrable miss of the heavy honestly overbearing depiction of conservative values and the baked in stifling that brings to those who are LGBT having to push past them. There is a significance in that, hell that kind of story is more significant now more than ever considering how many there are, some I know even personally, who have to deal with getting kicked out of their home or losing their lives due to their sexuality. If you find that insignificant then fuck off!!!

3 years ago

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3 years ago

... sorry, I do not see it.

If you want a good LGBT Love story with some significance to it, then go watch Brokeback Mountain.

3 years ago

have not played gone home, but be aware that you are conversing not only with a persona 4 golden fan, but also a planescape torment fan