38 reviews liked by TheLostMan

I'm not joking when I say the trophy for clearing round 9 of OG Pac-Man literally DOUBLED my playtime. I did everything else in about 4 hours and then spent another 4 grinding classic Pac-Man til my thumb hurt

The camera sucks half the stages suck walljumping sucks and dying is overly punishing this is one of the best 3D platformers every made and not enough games took the right lessons from it.

The lack of a double jump or gliding and the near complete lack of air control makes platforming actually rewarding unlike most other 3D platformers. I get that the genre is mostly aimed at toddlers but kids fucking loved Mario 64 so I don't want to hear any excuses.
Mario 64 also manages to avoid the "every collectible is just lying on the ground" problem that every other collectathon including mario odyssey has by having some platforming or exploring involved behind getting most stars.
What I'm trying to say is that I fucking hate Banjo Kazooie. Bitch fuck Banjo Kazooie and its fans hope they get exactly one new game and gruntilda marries a man.

Logging this now because i likely won't be beating it for quite some time. I recognize that this is quite an iconic and influential game, but no matter how many times I try to play it I can't have any fun with it. It's probably just not for me.

I kinda played this game on and off, but for the most part I had a good time with it. The music is hit or miss but when the music is good it's REALLY GOOD! The only thing bad about the game was the final boss. Pretty good game. I'll definitely play the post game stuff, but after that final boss wanna relax right now.

Played this with my boyfriend and this game feels like false advertisement you only spend like 1 chapter in prison then the rest sorta falls off. The gun play was bad and some of the voice over and story elements felt weak which for a story based game isn't the goal but it was accidentaly funny throughout

Funny blue guy :)
Not as good as something like Mania, but still a good fun 2D Sonic with some cool gimmicks, fun characterisation, and sweet cartoon cutscenes too!

With most Sonic games, even the ones I dislike, there’s enough of a unique flavor to them where I can understand why someone might vibe with a certain game’s quirks. I can understand someone’s favorite Sonic game being Unleashed, or Adventure 2, or Sonic R, or even Shadow the Hedgehog. I legitimately cannot understand how Lost World could be someone’s favorite Sonic game. Lost World is a game whose only noteworthy feature is how little of it is worthy of note. It’s missing the secret sauce that makes each Sonic game special, it’s bland and flavorless. It’s a Sonic-branded saltine cracker.

A clever game with a neat concept behind it. I think the concept may be better than the overall execution, but it made for some cool puzzle design. It's also a fairly brief experience, so easy to knock out in one session if you've got the time for it. Nothing about it really beckons me back for another playthrough, even though I know I missed some secrets. Still, a fun game!

A mod for Fallout 4 recreates this entire game.

The revelation is that this is the worst Resident Evil during what was a terrible time for Resident Evil.