It's the most innovative shooter I've played in years...

Jokes aside, SUPERHOT is a very fun game, it's stages are a mix of thoughtfull puzzle with action and it's incredibly fun to try and optimize each of them. The main story is great by itself, but the challenges add a little more flavor if you want more. I love watching the replay after each level and feel like I'm John Wick or something.

The Outer Wilds is a masterpiece of a game that sadly wasn't experienced by every single human in this world.
I can't go much further without ruining the experience for others, but I can safely say this game changed my life, and at times it reminded me of the urge to explore and discover that I had as a kid, and that I think all of us humans have ingrained in our brain and soul.

The game manages to be everything it should not be:
Ugly, slow and bugged.
I'll give credit where credit is due, the world has some interesting aspects and the final area of the game is my favorite place in any pokemon game. The story is pretty good here too and they took a lot of risks.
On the other hand, the game has barely any content. Once you finish the main story you have about 3 hours of gameplay remaining, tops, the rest is grinding.
The game will inevitably crash, run at <20 FPS frequently, has a lot of visual bugs and overall looks really bad.
Truth is, this game is unfinished, and will never be fixed, unlike Cyberpunk 2077. Had it stayed in the oven for a year or so, it could easily be the best Pokemon game ever, but it has so many flaws that it is barely playable in my opinion.

Revolutionary game that also happens to be extremely addicting.
This was one of the first instances of motion control, and it's insane how they got it so right.
Nothing too deep, just an extremely fun game.

The game is fun, but it gets a bit tiring after a while. It is some great exercise tho lol.
The story is there. It's warioware, story isn't the main point, but I found the cutscenes, that are generally pretty funny, to not be so much in this one.
If you have friends though, this game is great. It's an amazing party game that doesn't need too much skill or knowledge to be good at.

Peak WarioWare. It combines mechanics from the three portable games that came before into one and goes ham with it.
It also has a bunch of side modes that are mostly very fun. It is the ultimate experience of microgames, and one of the best games on the 3DS.

A great compilation of Rhythm Heaven minigames with a few new ones sprinkled in.
I think this game has two major flaws though:
1. The story is boring and doesn't have anything to do with the games. You could make this story about Spider Man and it would not make a difference.
2. It didn't add some great minigames from the other rhythm heavens in favor of adding a piss easy version of other ones that are not only boring, but also have bad music. This was my first RH game and I almost gave up from the combination of boring minigames and boring, unskippable story. Once it gets going tho, it becomes great!

Sometimes beauty is in simplicity.
Rhythm Heaven uses most two very simple mechanics, and it creates an incredibly addicting experience. A must for DS owners.

As a long time Fire Emblem game, I find this game boring.
The story suffers from lazy writing, maps are uninteresting, and the design of the characters doesn't do it for me...
I'm glad for it "saving the series", but whenever I want to play a Fire Emblem game, this one is not even close to the top.

The story is really bad, but this is peak Strategy RPG gameplay. Tied with Fates Conquest for the best gameplay in the Fire Emblem series, this game is really fun, fair and brings a lot of replayability.
If you only care about story, stay away. If you play strategy games for their gameplay, this one is a must.

Fun game to play with friends. I like the mechanics. But the game is very lacking in terms of content.
You have the story which is ok, then you have three tournaments and that's it.
There is also very little variety with the courts, so the game gets old fairly quickly.

One of the most fun games I've ever played. Movement, Combat, Bosses, Level design, everything is flawless.
The story is also pretty good for how little it spends with cutscenes and dialogue, with an ending that finishes it all in a very satisfying way.

Amazing game, amazing story, beautiful city (on the outside) with beautiful people (on the inside).
Game has a lot of build options that play pretty differently from each other, same goes for the story and it's paths.
Overall, the best open world game I have ever played, and although I still have to beat the game, I am pretty close to doing so.