UNFORGETTABLE, soooooooo much good, couple of weaker levels that hold it back, naw though peak as shit though

Definition of mediocrity, lots of fun ideas and some good moments on the gameplay side, but the amount of vents, unskipable sluggish animations, weak melee combat, uninteresting characters and stories, and nonexistent enemy variety kill all the hype

Had a lot of fun playing this ngl. Running around hogwarts was a dream come true, sadly has a pretty weak ending and some rough edges. But enjoyed almost the entire experience and will play again at some point

Some of my worst memories in playing videos games from this

Baller the best time waster game ever made


The story doesn’t hold as much impact without Nathan drake but the gameplay is awesome and the graphics are still wacko crazy

Not as good as 2 but I had a lot of fun and the story line was harmless entertainment.

Actually really really good, sadly though it’s very limited in content and the Claire and Leon story lines are extremely similar to each other. Lessens the effect after one or two five hour play throughs

Love this one, scarier to me than the first one while having much more fun gameplay, peak of the genre and one of the best horror games ever made

Great atmosphere and sound design, combat is a little clunky and the story is generic, sadly kinda gets a little boring by the second half

Greatest character arc in video games ever, easily better than 2018. Still somewhat clunky to get around but did not impede on the experience at all