its good, my dad loves this shit

MASTAPIECE, second greatest open world game

Campaign is fun, liked it more the second time through, some real challenge

Its okay, but kinda finnicky and ill never replay it


NOT GOOD, but glad to have brought my brother along

on the wii its FIRE, but i have some stuff with like traversing the environment, wish there was more fluidity between different sections

Some fun with my brother, but also some pain and regret with him as well

pretty cute, the combat is kinda weak though and mechanics a little thin, but a good time

Kojima the man, had a four year hate to love arc on it, what a zen ass experience crossing mountains and planning around rivers with cargo. Not a complete masterpiece but an 8.5 is fair, maybe would have been a 9 except for the 90 minute exposition dump that killllllllllllllllllled me bro that sucked

Not quite the original, but dont care. Came out about 4 hours after being dumped and is absolutely goated on all fronts, did NOT disappoint dawg