Amazing campaign, the squads wide range of personality, the Mombasa streets free roam clashes so well with the day levels. The finale is such a perfect climax. Finding all the audio logs makes Mombasa feel alive in a way you wouldn’t expect. Playing as an ODST was a pleasant change as well.

I know there’s an echo in here but when this many people say the same thing you can’t argue. The survival mechanics bugged me at first but I got over it.

This is lightning in a bottle, the best moments in all of gaming stuffed into a perfect package.

Downgrade from the game's before but they weren't laying too hard into the movies at least. Has a really weird level based 3D mario level design where you return to stages to explore and find more secrets, except finding those secrets is required to progress. Ends up with too much padding with reusing levels. Agony.

Yes its good, the DLC's were also all free which you don't see very often.

The campaign is just bot matches, never played it at its peak so don't take this rating seriously.

The attitude and art direction this game took felt so badass as a kid, classic set list too.

Might not be Suda’s most well known work now but still one of his many peaks. The open world does end up being a little dry but it’s still a very fun romp with amazing characters and boss fights. Fuckhead :)

I didn’t name myself after this guy I just don’t know how to spell.

It feels like a watered down MGS but looks great :)

The souls formula summed up in the perfect package. I do have beef with fromsoft’s convoluted ass multiplayer system though.

This and SotN set the bar and have been reigning supreme since.

Subjectively one of my favorite games of all time, pure nostalgia. I never have trouble going back to this game and replay it once every few months.

Most satisfying gundam gameplay I've ever experienced so far.


If there was a Mount Rushmore of video games, the 1993 team at id would make up all of it.