Catwoman gets her own little side story and it's fine. It's not very exciting or interesting but it sure is content.

It tries, but never really succeeds at being anything more than mildly entertaining.

Probably the best of the original three, but not my favorite.

My favorite as a kid. In retrospect it has a lot more flaws that I didn't see.

Swing and miss from Telltale.

The pinnacle of Halo. So many hours spent playing the campaign, multiplayer, and messing around in Forge.

Fun edgy Star Wars game. Pulling down a Star Destroyer from orbit is still iconic.

I love Black Flag and this is basically more of that with a weird story attached to it. Playing as a templar is an interesting idea for the series but the story makes sure to remind you over and over Shay is morally correct and the Assassin's are actually the bad guys.

A better version of Wario Land 2, but so little is changed that the experience, while improved, is so similar to the second game that none of it feels very fresh.

AVGN voice I'd rather eat a dog's diarrhea anal shit and wash it down with boiled bull piss than ever play this ass of a game ever again.

I didn't find this super compelling but I liked it enough to finish it so that says something. The art direction is amazing.

Really great evolution of the Wario Land formula. Honestly the quality of the game makes me pine for more of this series.

Full action RE isn't nearly as fun you might think.