Interesting ideas but ultimately falls flat. The story really has nothing to do with Ezio and Altair and mostly focuses on unrelated events in Constantinople. The best stuff is when the two assassin's paths cross but it happens rarely. The tower defense sections are all awful as are the vehicle chases. The ending, however, is a really sweet sendoff to best character in the franchise.

COD fatigue had hit me when this one came out. I didn't find any of the modes very interesting.

Better than episode 1. The ending sequence is the best in the whole series.

Really good interesting take on the Halo formula.

Way more compelling than it has any right to be. Once again ambition is hampered by time constraints in this series. Unity would be a lot more fondly remembered if it weren't for the disastrous launch and Ubisoft's weird insistence that a female playable character would be "unrealistic."


One of the most important and influential games of all time. That's why it's a shame the actual game isn't terribly interesting. Quake is basically Doom in 3D and not much else. There's a reason the series became known for multiplayer.

Fantastic game front to back. The Metro games keep getting better with each entry.

It's pretty cool at first but gets old fast.

Good but not great. Atmosphere is top notch and gameplay is tight but the world and characters never quite captured me the way The Witcher 3 did. Despite the main story being about 40 hours it still felt too short but this could be alleviated with the planned expansion set during the main quest.

A rare parody game that remembers to actually be a fun game. The jokes are pretty funny too.

Not as good as the first but it still has a very compelling story.

Slavjank that ascends beyond and ends up being a brutally hard, realistic shooter.