Yeah I really didn't like this one. Really short and the final fight is awful. The only saving grace is more Riddler dialogue.

Solid enough but the coin gimmick gets repetitive when there is nothing to with the coins besides collecting them.

Much improved over the original Separate Ways. So much is added you could essentially call this a entire new B scenario for RE4. A lot of the missing sequences from the original RE4 are placed here and work a lot better. I much preferred the Saddler fight here as opposed to the Krauser rematch from the og Separate Ways. Maybe time for some Assignment Ada DLC? I won't hold my breath.

Kind of an elongated minigame. Not bad at all but almost too simple for its own good. The one thing I can't forgive is not showing the secondary objective on the level select screen often times requiring you play through each level at least 3 times to get the star, do the secondary objective, and find the hidden pixel Toad.

Despite the oversaturation of the series, the original is still fun to go back to.

Very solid junk food gaming. But like junk food, there's not much substance here. The course clearing style works well on the 3DS for bit sized mobile gaming. The 3D effect is used for a few light puzzle rooms but it's never much more than "neat."

For what it is, it's pretty good. A solid adaption of RE to the 3DS. The 3D does a very good job at hiding imperfections in the models. The seeds of the eventual RE 2 remake are evident in the Revelations series coupled with a bit of RE 5's action. Probably best to play this one on the handheld it was designed for, limitations and all.

Fun party game that relies on your interactions with other people to guess whodunit. Not surprising this blew up in 2020 when we were all starving for interaction. Still a joy to come back to now and then.

Sometimes a dad needs to kill a few gods to bond with his son.

RE 5 with RE 1 cosmetics. Almost impressive how lazy it feels given the new assets they had to make.


This is how you make Doom work in the modern gaming space.

Much more fun to go back to than Fallout 3. The amount of depth and character Obsidian managed to put in this game is crazy.

15-20 minutes of a good enough challenge map haphazardly strung together to make a "story." I liked seeing Gotham during the day time.

This full decompilation is very impressive. I've noticed little details in this port that always passed me by in other versions. Agreed with the rest of the reviews here: this is the definitive way to play Jak 1.

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Starts off really strong with the opening village and castle sections, sags a bit in the middle when Ethan goes after the other lords. Drastically shifts in tone with Chris's section and continues with the action up to the ending. Overall fairly inconsistent but I had fun.