Another one of those Telltale games they made during that period where Telltale got really popular so they just decided to make some teams to make games for a bunch of random IPs that were really popular at that moment in time. And most of those games were just fine. This game is just fine.

Not really sure why Jackbox made a standalone version of Drawful but hey I guess it's nice to not have to boot up one of the Jackbox Party Packs to play this. Great party game that never gets old.

One of the weaker and more forgettable Jackbox Party Packs but still good. However, if you're only buying a couple of these then skip this one.

God of War (2018) has some of my favorite, and arguably the best-feeling, combat in any video game I have ever played. I'm not sure if it particularly innovates or does anything new but it is so incredibly satisfying and fluid. Pair that with an incredibly well-made game with a solid story and a fun world to travel around, and the final product is one of my favorite games of all time. As a whole, the game may not be the most innovative but it executes on everything it attempts perfectly and delivers an incredibly polished package. My only complaint is that back-tracking for collectibles is a bit of a pain, but balancing that with all the other fun optional side content (like the incredible side bosses) meant that I never got burned out. This is truly one of my favorite games with one of my favorite Plats.

This game is very much the exact kind of checklist open-world game that, on paper, I'm so burned out on. Yet somehow I loved every second of swinging around this city, doing every little thing I possible could. I think most of that can be credited to just how damn fun it was to swing around and beat up baddies. Also the collectibles themselves were just genuinely fun to get. I loved the little bit of dialogue that came with collecting everything. I also never really expected the story of a Spider-man video game to hit me as hard as this game ended up doing. A truly spectacular superhero game.

My first Assassin's Creed game and the game that got me hooked on the series. I was one of five people who actually cared about the modern-day story, the lore, and all that random bullshit. That's how into Assassin's Creed I was.
Too bad these games are bloated, boring slogs now.

Sometimes I'll remember that not only did Telltale do a Game of Thrones game in which several stars from the show inexplicably show up in, but that I played all of it for whatever reason. This game suffers pretty severely from the "you're playing this really important character that knows everyone but for some reason no one ever talks about you in the main story" thing that many prequels suffer from. A pretty pointless game that is one of Telltale's weakest and adds nothing of value to the Game of Thrones universe.

Disclaimer: These are my brief thoughts based on my memory of playing this 7 years ago:

I played this because I am a massive Tron fan.
I did not finish it because the game is not particularly good.

Disclaimer: These are my brief thoughts based on my memory of playing this 7 years ago:

The only credit I give to this game is that it is a near-perfect representation of Disneyland as it was in 2011. Such a bummer that it was wasted in this pretty bad video game that killed your arms just from walking around and collecting items.

Not a fighting game fan but I played this for the goofy campaign. It was fun even though I know nothing about most of these characters.

Ark is the least user-friendly video game I have ever played in my entire life. This game is not just unintuitive, it is aggressively anti-user experience.

Once you've parsed the terrible menus and fumbled your way into an online game, be prepared for the most opaque gaming experience of your life. Not only is nothing explained to the player, but nothing is even remotely intuitive. Anything you think you might know how to do from years of playing video games, you're wrong. Nothing works how you would expect it to.

Straight-up, Ark is a bad video games and I'm baffled that people choose to play this. I guess it's because it has dinosaurs but even taming a dinosaur (which I had to look up online to figure out) wasn't that satisfying. The time it took to successfully tame a dinosaur was about 5x longer than the amount of time I spent enjoying having a pet dinosaur.

Only reason this game gets 2 stars instead of 1 is because my friends and I had a fun time goofing around for a couple sessions. It's a poorly-made, unintuitive mess of a video game. Do not play Ark.

A game with kind of fun writing, wonderful art, and relatively interesting characters that is an utter drag to play. I really loved Oxenfree, so it's disappointing to find Afterparty to be not very great

If the game had a reasonable movement speed and actions were performed in a more timely manner, this game would probably be beatable in a couple hours. As it is, it drags and takes forever to do absolutely anything.

Imagine Oxenfree but somehow slower and with larger environments that take more time to get around.
Got the Plat in Oxenfree. Could barely get through one playthrough of Afterparty.

This update finally finishes the game's story and gives you the ability to actually roll credits. It's a cute, if not a little weird, ending I guess. Dreamlight Valley finally feels "complete" enough from a content perspective for a 1.0 release whenever that happens. Despite that, the game is still pretty buggy and certainly needs some work before a final release.

In this spin-off of the main series from an entirely different game studio, somehow Telltale tells a better Borderlands story than any of the other Borderlands games do. This is one of my favorite Telltale games and is a fantastic entry in the Borderlands universe.

It's TRON tennis. Not much more to do than play a couple rounds and go "oh neat" and then move on,