19 Reviews liked by The_Red_Shadow

I remember playing this game around the time of its launch for a couple hours or so, being mesmerized by its brand of hard boiled sci-fi dystopia. It's not hard to see why I was so enthralled by it back then: the first 5-6 hours successfully introduces an interesting world where the advancement of man-made tech is equally matched, if not exceeded, by the occult and the supernatural. Gameplay wise, despite lacking in tutorials, the design starts simple enough to ease you in, but not too simple to bore you. Not to mention the cast of decently written, colorful characters that you are being subjected to.

But the depth in those aspects are quite lacking, especially as you reach a certain chapter where things start to get quite wild, story-wise. The progression of the story's scale and stakes in the 2nd act already feels a bit sudden and unnatural on its own. But combined by all the side characters not being fleshed out enough, the disappointingly same-y level and encounter design, and a unwelcomed difficulty spike in this act, I can't help but feel a bit disappointed with how they executed the game's second half. It almost feels rushed.

A big part of why I loved the first half of the game is how well the game introduces all sorts of interesting lore through its main missions, while maintaining this delightful detective vibe in its gameplay. From delving into Seattle's drug addict woes, to dealing with dead spirits in order to gain their testimony of an event nobody else saw, there's all sorts of stuff happening in the 1st act that I really enjoyed. You don't have to figure the story out yourself, but the CRPG gameplay of exploring thoroughly to fully scope out all your options fits perfectly with its premise of trying to figure out who killed your old friend. Even if the gameplay possibilities and options aren't that extensive (it's a relatively small scale game after all), the act of playing detective and getting yourselves some allies along the way is still a fun endeavor. The 2nd and 3rd act unfortunately doesn't have quite the same level of variety and memorability.

The RPG systems are pretty decent for the most part. Outside of combat, the various stats serve mostly to unlock certain dialogues options or pathways that usually will save you a minute or two of your time, and in the sense of their usefulness, there is a lot of room to improve on. Coupled with the somewhat cramped level design, it can feel more like a linear story rather than a CRPG. But executing these bonus options still feel satisfying.

In regards to combat, these systems feel more fleshed out, since the abilities and bonuses you'll get for advancing in the game's various combat stats feel much more helpful. For example, being able to mark a target to temporarily increase the chance of hitting them by advancing the Decking stats, and combining that with abilities such as full-auto assault rifle attacks. But do note that the combat follows the XCOM system of hit percentages, so be prepared for utter frustration as you miss attacks with 90% hit chance.

All in all, Shadowrun Returns feels more like a prelude of what's to come, rather than a completely realized idea. Still, I did have a fun time playing it, and I will be checking out the sequels someday to see if they ever get to fulfill this game's potential.

Why does everyone hate this game I love it😫

The best football game of 2004, even with Madden getting a truck stick. This game was so good, EA bought the NFL license and destroyed NFL video games forever.

the beer song is burned into my brain

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Nicely paced with good vibes, people harp on the suddenness of the ending and the lack of closure - but I think that might be the point; thus I don't factor it in.

As a result of the above, there's not a great deal of consequences to the choices you make other than defining why you are this character you're playing - which in a sense is good enough.

The art style, pacing, chemistry of the main characters and the intrigue of the plot keep this going, but depending on your liking of the ending and how you feel about the choice that are occassionally made for you - you may find this a more shallow narrative adventure.

Arkham Asylum is one of the best Batman games there is and after all the time that has passed since it was first released, it still holds up as a great adventure game. With collectables and exploration, a great combat system, and of course the Batman story, this is a great title to play over and over.

Hell yes, probably the best entry in the trilogy. So tightly focused and cool.

it's a little hoaky and cheesy, but have a soft spot of infectious madness as the main game that rly got me into FMV games. worth a look

Honestly do not get the hate this game gets. Like yeah its a bit boring at times, yeah the open world is a tad much. But it was fun! DLCs made it even better. Played this after bg3 and honestly loved it nearly as much.

A lighthearted, charming but clunky RPG that has some quality gags. Interesting (hilarious) ways to interact with the world and the characters that inhabit it, but it might not be enough to get you through the whole game.

One of my favorite games of all time. I love the art and designs, I love the music, I love the tone, I love the million and one characters you have to recruit in increasingly bizarre and arbitrary ways. It's not a perfect game, but it's perfect to me.

I might have nostalgia glasses still on, but this kick everything, question nothing, sleep for progression, Chulip JRPG is so good. Maybe use a guide and the HD texture pack by 1vierock

One of the best jrpgs ever made in my estimation. Radiata Stories is tri-ace's standalone game that is in conversation with the genre as a whole in 2005. With mechanics inspired by the Tales of Series, Suikoden, and of course Tri-ace's own library, Radiata Stories is a very interesting game.

The story focuses on a young man (Jack Russel lol) whose father was the strongest Knight for the Imperial hegemony and a young woman who is the heir of a highly distinguished noble family. While working in a squad, the woman (Ridley Silverlake) is badly injured and the squad is forcibly disbanded in retaliation by the girls father. The captain (Ganz Rothschild) and Jack are disgraced and forced to leave the knights. This is where the game truly starts.
A core mechanic of Radiata Stories is that the world is persistent and the NPCs have lives. They move around on their own schedule and many of them, I can't remember if all of them, are recruitable!

When forced out of the army, Jack and Ganz attempt to get a job with the local mercenary guild. They take Jack and not Ganz, and the two separate. The rest of the game revolves around recruiting folks to go adventuring with, and the main plot.

The Main plots got multiple paths, and ultimately the story becomes about Imperialism vs indigenous populations. There is more going on with Ridley than at first glance, when she nearly dies earlier in the game the method of saving her changes her nature fundamentally.

Huge spoilers but by the end of the game you're either siding with the humans or the non humans. This game doesn't really pull punches about it either.

Highly recommend this game to anyone looking for a good rpg that's a bit slept on.

Very disappointing. I loved the first one, but this one just didn't deliver for me at all. The game is mostly a third person shooter, not a very good one at that. Story was awful, there was so much potential for them to explore but they just didn't do anything with the story. Just not as epic as the first game, it's mostly you running around picking up people and doing their chores for them.

yeah, it's no original Mass Effect but it's not as bad as so many people claim it to be