I loved this game during my initial playthrough. I could not put it down. The gameplay feels fast and fluid and all of the abilities are fun to use. I am also a fan of the E.M.M.I. sections. The E.M.M.I. are also extremely satisfying to put down.

I mean it's fine, I guess. When I play this though it just makes me want to play normal ass Pac-Man instead. Also the little green bitch is annoying and steals all your food. Do not be pals with people who steals your food.

I don't like this game. This game is just worse Pac-Man, all this game does is make me want to play regular Pac-Man. I think it's annoying with the whole cage system and isn't fun to play. I will give credit where credit is due however, I do think the concept is neat and it differentiates itself from the original game, but in execution I don't think it's great.

I think this is a solid arcade title that is pretty fun to play, although it's biggest flaw is easily the controls. This game is slippery af, and it will cause you to die at some point. The controls greatly hinder the enjoyment of the game, but overall I would say it's pretty good, I like playing it every now and then.

Game has not aged well. The world is hard to navigate since everything looks the same and not having a map does not help either. Later entries have majorly improved upon the foundation this game set.

It's an alright minigame collection. The story mode was fun to play through and there is a lot of content here. This games biggest shortcomings for me though is that, while there are more events than any other Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games, they are all way too simplified and there are no dream events. It also doesn't help that you only have 4 characters to pick from on any given event.

An absolute classic. I love to turn on this game and play it for a little bit occasionally. One of my favorite games on the NES.

This was my first Monster Hunter game. It was a massive learning curve and I basically had to play with a wiki open, but I enjoyed every second of it. This is a very grindy game but it is definitely worth playing.

A pretty solid title with a lot of flaws. This game peaks with Green Hill Zone, which sucks because it is the first zone. The game overall is solid and feels nice to play and looks pretty good, but some of the level design like Marble Zone Act 3 and all of Labyrinth are just annoying and slow. The special stages can also be pretty annoying but I do not hate them like many people do.

A vast improvement over the first game. The game is one of my favorite platformers and is a very solid title until you hit Metropolis which is just super annoying. The final boss is also a pain since there are no rings. Despite all the improvements to the first game, this game has much worse special stages, the half-pipe is terrible.

Easily one of the best versions of Pac-Man. This game has a good ost as well as tons of different stage layouts. The ghost also all having powered up forms was cool.

It's definitely a game that used to exist. I don't really know what to say about this game other than that I didn't like it too much.

It's a pretty fun game. It's not something I really want to go back to super often though