This game gets better the more you play it and the DLC bosses are some of the best in the entire soulsborne series. Only real downsides are that the chalice dungeons can be a pain in the ass and there are a few bosses that suck balls to fight

Play this game if you want to consider suicide

This might be the most glazed game of all time but that doesn't stop it from having one of the coolest worlds in any game period, accompanied by beautiful visuals and great mechanics that only suck in the latter half of the game when half the enemies are bullet sponges and getting more than 30 bullets for each encounter is a blessing

This DLC pack is amazing. After finishing up most of the main game outside of the final boss (as I knew you were sent straight into NG+ after beating the game), I was left feeling underwhelmed. This game is full of highs and lows, and the base game certainly had a LOT of lows. Rom and Micolash might actually be one of the worst bosses I've ever fought in a game, and some of the areas were just a pain in the ass to get through. However, The Old Hunters LITTERALLY fixes every single one of my complaints with the base game. Whilst some of the consistency issues still apply, as Laurence is a dogshit boss and ruins the fun the cleric beast had for me, and the Living Failures is just a more buffed up and annoying celestial emissary, all of the 3 areas in this game are easily the best in the game, with the only base game areas being up for contention being central yharnam and MAYBE cathedral ward and forbidden woods, and the other 3 bosses in this game are easily among the best in the game, with Lady Maria being my personal favorite BB boss. While other DLCs aim to be an addon to the already phenomenal base games of fromsoft entries, TOH and also Ringed City I have always seen as genuinely essential to every single run I have done, as Bloodborne and to a lesser extent DS3 would suffer greatly without them. The Old Hunters overall is just a phenomenal DLC pack that I run in all of my BB playthroughs, as It never gets dull and just elevates BB as a whole considerably above other noteworthy fromsoftware games

This was my first SMT game and first megaten game outside of Persona and Catherine, and it definitely met and exceeded my expectations on just how peak of a game it could possibly be.

This game manages to introduce to the world one of the most engaging turn based combat systems ever created, along with managing to explore different philosophical view points in an almost equally engaging and interesting way. I loved the reasons each character had and how they all have their benefits and flaws. While I did go for the good freedom ending, I will definitely be going back to this game to explore the different reason endings (specifically musubi and shijima and I find them more compelling personally than yosuga) along with TDK as I didn't do anything in labyrinth of amala in my first playthrough.

This game just blew my expectations away and my playthrough will definitely be one of my highlights of this year.

Fuck the random encounters though

This is such an upgrade compared to ep1 it's actually insane. The little over 4 hour experience I had in this game was more enjoyable than all of hl1 and that is insane. The level and mission design is so more iconic than ep1 and the new gimmicks also are so much more enjoyable to play around with. The ending too is just insane. The last hour experience is probably my favourite sequence of missions in a HL game. If you haven't played this game, whether you just haven't gotten around to it a bit or were turned off by the kinda underwhelming experience of ep1, playing this game should be your top priority as it is so barely close to being as good as HL2

Definitely one of the best 2d platformers to come out in a while, and definitely the best 2d mario platformer to come out in a WHILE. Wonder flowers and 10 star coins were really fun to find, and while i felt that they could have added even 1 or 2 more power ups, the amount we got were interesting and fun to play around with, for the most part at least (bubble flower is kinda doo doo imo). The only real negatives aside from that is that the game is kinda short (only 6 worlds one midlevel area and the bowser stages) and that this game is WAY more fun in a coop environment which i couldnt experience for the second half of the game. Overall great game to come out this year, definitely earned a goty nomination and am very excited to see the direction 2d mario platformers will go in, and 2d platformers in general, from this game.

I have conflicting feelings on TLOU 1. On one hand, the gameplay, while being fun, can be really fucking annoying sometimes, causing me to waste almost an hour on some parts trying to find the solution to a problem. While some of this I will admit was me potentially not using ALL of my accessible resources with me, I still found it just really fucking annoying having to repeat sections that I found tough from annoying checkpoints with barely any resources in the hope that I might make it to the next if I do something slightly different. For the 13 hours it took me to beat this game, There was at least 4 hours of gameplay that I genuinely was just not enjoying in the game.

On the other hand however, the story is one of the best I've ever seen told in a video game, and is definitely this game's biggest strength. I really became connected to the journey of Ellie and Joel, and while I was spoiled on some major plot events (specifically relating to the beginning and ending of the game) I still found myself engaged throughout my playthrough in where their journey would go next. On top of this, while I'm not usually one who cares about it that much, this game looks incredible, and the graphical quality has aged so well I genuinely think it could have come out today and nobody would bat an eye.

I think it is a game that everyone should play once in their life, as it has some of the best acting and writing i've seen in a game, but the gameplay sections at times are definitely a bit rough around the edges, which holds it back for me as being one of my favorite games ever.

First introduction into the Resident Evil series, and enjoyed it a lot. Playing it made me saw a lot of the influence this game had in the current landscape of shooters, and i respect it heavily for that. I really liked the final few mission set pieces, especially (without spoiling anything major) the leadup to the final boss.

Boss fights were mixed, with some good ones and other questionable ones. This isn't helped by the controls, but considering the time period that it came out in, i can forgive it for that.

I surprisingly liked the story a lot. There are a few plotholes i noticed but nothing major that ruins it completely. I liked Leon's character a lot, and has inspired me to go back to the earlier games in the series to really appreciate the story as a whole.

Overall I'd recommend this game a lot. It's a LOT cheaper compared to the remake and still holds up to this day. Since it also has gained notoriety for how many systems can play it, it's surprisingly accessible to play and enjoy today.

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This game made me cry
I have 100ted this game completely and made me feel things I've never felt before
Fuck the hat

This game changed my perspective on life

This game has pretty much everything you could want in a game. Having every choice you make matter to your outcome and ending of the game, and on a smaller scale this same principle executed well with the fun and experimental gameplay. Characters that feel real and do a really good job at showing you the toxic aspects of relationships and some of the root causes of these issues. A story that packs a real punch and tackles really hard and difficult questions. A deep atmosphere that is complimented well by the game's incredible soundtrack. And the fact it is all paced exceptionally well for it being a 12 hour game makes Catherine easily one of the best games I've ever played.

It's a well made expansion to the HL2 world, following the events of the HL2 ending, but outside of that it's definitely not as memorable as HL2, and outside of achievements I probably won't come back to this game as much as HL2. Still fun though and worth playing as it's only 2 and a half - 3 hours long

The narrative is laughably bad but the combat is some of the best in the series. It only took me around 7 hours to beat on devil hunter after playing through each game in release order. I almost skipped this game after beating 4 cus i wanted to go straight onto 5, but I would recommend against this. As the game is definitely on the shorter side its really easy to quickly knock it out in one or 2 days, and while this takes place in a completely different world than the other games the combat is so incredibly fun that I'd recommend playing it just for that. In a way its a game that's "So bad its good" and some of the funniest and most out of pocket moments in the franchise come from this. Ninja theory were smoking crack when they made this game and it suprisingly works