From the amazing hand-drawn art style, too the incredibly fun dialogue. This game is just so much fun. The levels are amazing to explore, the dialogue is fun and well written, every sound effect is done perfectly giving off an amazing natural feel to each environment.

The soundtrack is incredibly soothing and relaxing. The game's main mechanic (the camera) is polished and immediately fun to use; and the game has cool puzzle elements for first-time players. Overall, it is one of my favourite games and I highly recommend it.

I'm not very well-versed in the Metroidvania genre currently. I still need to play Hollow Knight or play Metroid. But this game is very good in that part. The rooms aren't too complex and can be easily traversed with the multitude of movement mechanics the player will unlock.

The game has very cool PS1 inspired art style with some nice tunes in the background. It's not perfect, but if you're a fan of Metroidvania's than check this one out.


Throughout my "gaming life", no game has ever touched me this impactfully. I've had games that make me want to be a better person or enjoy life more; but this game is just something else.

Even just thinking about the characters now makes me emotional and feel weird. This isn't me saying the game is bad, it's just the emotions I went through playing this game was something new to me. I've never felt so scared or tired during a game. It's a masterpiece of a game but one that is hard to think about.

I'm quite harsh on Tomb Raider at the moment. Seeing as Uncharted is my favourite video game franchise I can't just not compare it. However, I just love games like this. Completing puzzles, fighting enemies and big action set pieces.

With "Rise of the Tomb Raider" the main thing that I like is the presentation. Incredible details and environments doubled with a smooth frame rate. While not many, the puzzles are cool and add some uniqueness to the game.

One of my main problems though is the traversal and climbing. It's just too hand-holding. I can just use the joystick and it will most likely do it for me. Other than this it's a fun action-packed game with a pretty decent story.

Compared to Far Cry 1 this is better in every way. The AI is still a bit iffy and most of the voice acting is bad but the vibe this game has is very good.

Taking place in Africa this game feels very unique to the other basic FPS games. The gun-play is greatly improved with better guns and the inclusion of gun jamming which spices up the gameplay.

However, every couple of hours my game would crash (On Steam), meaning I would have to save every time I got to an objective. When I was about 90% through the story, my game crashed during a save and then deleted my save file. Bummer :-/

Pacific Drive is a fun, unique game but has it's flaws. The overall experience however is solid. It provides a satisfying driving game with survivor elements included perfectly. Manually refilling your car and repairing your car is extremely fun. The game doesn't run out of ideas as well with randomly generated areas and a random assortment of anomalies.

However, the game has faults. The main one in my opinion is the progression system. Throughout the game you will find new materials and items which can help you craft new items. Firstly this requires a bit of a grind, but then all you unlock is either more storage or better armour which you will probably have to replace after a trip further out in the zone.

Solid game that just some tweaking and modifying to make the playthrough more enjoyable and entertaining.

Serving as a New Game+, The Noise Update is like a whole new game. New movement techniques to master, new music, different levels & just an incredible amount of fun gags.

I think with this playthrough, I greatly appreciated the game more with having time to appreciate the level design, music and humour since my last playthrough. So, this was well worth it.

I do prefer Peppino still :-)

This gave me multiple heart attacks

Cyber Hook has a very cool looking art style, complimented by fun, fast gameplay that feels unique with every level, as the game tests you with many different scenarios. Theres more than just a grapple hook though. Including things like: Cuphead-style shooting & slow-motion.

Once you have finished the game, you can unlock a marathon mode which allows you to play every one after the after to get the best time. For a game that priced around £12, this game packs a lot in. In the end, this game makes you fell like a badass.

Why does my R key not work anymore?

Similar to when I played The Last of Us: Part II, this game left such an impressive impression on me. Since finishing the story I can’t stop thinking about it. The characters are unique and well written making you get hooked to their stories within the first hours of meeting them. The music is amazing of course and the environments and story is top notch.

But, I want to talk about what this game left me with and what I’ve taken from it; both good & bad. Firstly I gained a sense of value in life. It made me realise how short and precious it is, and how you should spend it.

However, the bad is that it made me feel a new sense of loneliness. Every now and then I feel some sort of loneliness but this game tripled that by 20. It made me realise how I don’t have anyone I can really rely on. I don’t have someone to talk to easily about the things I feel about now. Maybe it’s just my anxiety but it made me sad and depressed realising this.

🤣This got a bit dark, so I just want to mention how none of this detracts from the games experience as it is one of the most fun, happy and exciting games I have played.

Sam Lake absolutely cooked with this