i aint gay but i would have passionate sex with yuri

Don't waste your time. Utterly ass, entirely vapid.

The World Ends With Mid would be too generous. Praying Neo flops so i never have to see discussion about this game again.

While SEES are brothers in arms, the Investigation team are friends i fail to see what bonds hold the phantom thieves together.

My one complaint is the lack of enemy variety, there's like 9 enemies and 5 versions of them each. With all variants sharing the same attack pattern.

Disappointed to say the least. Somehow slower pacing and longer than sky fc. Easily the worst part of of this game.

Although their were some much needed revisions to the arts and crafts system i still miss some parts of the old system where quartz made a larger part of one whole rather than individual mechanisms functioning besides each other within one unit.

Best Game in the series by a wide margin

The peak of the persona franchise. Everything from the social links to the settings is intricately woven to deliver an unforgettable experience.

I am going to ethnically cleanse bionis of all nopon.

Worst dungeons i've ever experienced, no exp share made grinding a chore. Although the cast was on par with p4gs. This game doesn't have Chie.

Top 1 superhero game insomniac goated.

As a big Spider-Man fan this is everything I wanted in a game and more. Insomniac have mastered the swinging created a competent PETER FUCKING PARKER that still suffers under the weight of his choices.

Deadass haven't loved any Spider-Man media since the Bendis Ultimate run.