The arcana is the means by which all is revealed...

My favorite game since release until i played P3R, masterpiece worth waiting 7+ years for, couldn't recommend more.

I remember finding out about this game in an old video about "underrated games," picking it up and it changing the chemistry of my brain. Literally embodies the definition of "aura" in a video game. No dialogue, purely "Show don't Tell" and it does so masterfully.

Got bought this game on Steam back in 2021 during a very rough time of my life and it helped me get through it. Inspired me to start my own RPG Maker game. One of the greatest.

Despite everything, it's still you.

For the record I already wasn't cis when i played it! Anyways it's like the best platformer out there it's LITERALLY peak... like the mountain.

It's probably objectively not perfect but it means a lot to me so it is in my eyes so shut up.

The best Sonic game not even close. Werehog haters can smd.

Hater gonna hate but this game's peak.

SPM clears but this gets really close. Peak.

I love vore,,,
Jokes aside game's so good i think abt replaying it all the time lol, truly the peak of the m&l games.

Objection or whatever. I want Nick and Edgeworth to make out.

Lowkey the lock gimmick in the investigations was a big headache and i didn't vibe with it but game's so good aside from that.