Only fun when you break the game's physics with your friends

If this game isn't like the second coming of Jesus H. Christ like all of its fans make it out to be, then I lose all hope in the Trails series

I played this with my buddy Benedict Arnold back in 1773

When I first booted it up, I imagined this would be a poorly made, cheap horror that I could laugh at for a bit. Instead, I got a pretty decent experience with a phenomenal atmosphere. Though the vibes that the game gives are great, its gameplay can be described as a walking simulator.

This isn't even a souls-like, this is a Code Vein-like

This is definitely one of the "It gets good after 20 hours" games. I've tried to get into it twice but both attempts were unsuccessful

I was NOT paid by Neil Druckmann or any Naughty Dog executive to rate this game 5 stars

The game's only redeeming quality can be found in Act 1, which takes 20 minutes to finish

This review was written before the game released

I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the game, but in reality, it really is just a dumbed-down version of Overwatch

The fact that people on Twitter misinterpret the game at least once a week might just prove the game has poor writing.
Or Twitter is just stupid.
Edit: It's both.

The same as the earlier games but somehow worse

I got my ass beaten by weebs. I hate this.