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Tijuana_Joe completed Dragon Age: Origins - The Golems of Amgarrak
I have no words for how much I hate this DLC. The main game already has extremely large cave corridors and the Dwarven Dungeon was super long. I was just saturated with this kind of dungeons. Who thought more of that is what we need? You can also only take your main charakter and get some weak substitutes (with a pet), which I did not like. It is intended to be a challenging DLC, okay, but I am not feeling it with those new partners - fighting is not fun here, especially because you are often forced into unfavourable positions. The DLC also intruduces a new threat besides the blight which also tries to conquer the land. But why? It is just a regurgitated story.

Not worth your time.

3 days ago

Tijuana_Joe reviewed Creatures
My mum gave it to me as a present when I was little. I played it then, but wouldn't play it anymore. I think it is just boring, absolutely not feeling it here.

5 days ago

Tijuana_Joe completed Creatures
My mum gave it to me as a present when I was little. I played it then, but wouldn't play it anymore. I think it is just boring, absolutely not feeling it here.

6 days ago

6 days ago

7 days ago

12 days ago

Tijuana_Joe is now playing Ultrakill

12 days ago

Tijuana_Joe reviewed Ultrakill
I am a little bit on the fence about Ultrakill. On one hand the gunplay in this game has no equal. The possibilities are almost endless. The action is tense and rewarding. The secrets are plenty and fascinating. This game oozes charme and is totally a product of love. Here is much fun to be had.
On the other hand the game is extremely hectic, maybe too hectic. The combat is superfast and requires advanced shooting to proceed. Beginner skills might get you to Chapter 4, but not much further. The precision platforming can feel off, too. Some things are typical of early access, e.g. getting catapulted out of bounce is fun once or twice, but not if it becomes a regular occurence.

I am currently giving it another go, so I might come back and change this rating.

12 days ago

14 days ago

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