A wonderful, intriguing game that glued me to the screen. If you like games like Obra Dinn and/or even remotely enjoy solving mysteries, this is an absolute blast to play. The DLCs are great, too.

Every game that grabs your attention as a meme and keeps you coming back for gameplay is a win in my book, and this one is up there with the greatest of 'em. The action, movement and weapons are all really well made and the builds feel unique and encouraging to experiment with.

Only other Kairosoft game I've played before was Game Dev Story, which I enjoyed immensely. This is clearly the same formula, albeit a tad more unforgiving. And since you need to overcome certain milestones to progress, this feels more gated and less laid back as Game Dev did. Still, once you realize how certain things work, it gets much easier to make get somewhere. Overall, I enjoyed my roughly 12 hours with this and definitely got my money's worth.

What a marvelous game! This definitely hits the same sweet spot as Outer Wilds, although it doesn't quite evoke as many "magic moments" and is a bit more streamlined. Characters are also slightly more one-dimensional and often just there to have specific "function". But don't let that hold you back: It's still incredibly well done, very engaging, with a beatiful and interesting setting, voicework and music. I inhaled this over the course of two days. Big recommendation, if this kind of game interests you even in the slightest!

For me personally, this is the ultimate BR game. The blend of fast movement, gunplay and game mechanics works together nearly perfect. It also introduced many incredibly convenient components, like the ping system and voicelines for pretty much everything. And talking about voices: I LOVE the characters and how much detail is put into them. They really are the games personality, and make every single round feel so alive and situations feel even more fun or absurd.

Such a well-crafted game that really grew on me! You can tell this was a passion project and I'm glad it turned out the way it did. From Combat to character interaction, all elements intertwined perfectly and kept me happily engaged over the course of about 80 hours, DLC included.

Shame it apparently didn't sell well, because this would deserve to be built upon.

Such a milestone in so many ways. Perfect advancement from GTA 3, with such a strong vision. Not too big, not too fancy, but goes all-in with what it does and really hits the sweet spot. I love this game so goddamn much. And since the Definitive Edition ran absolutely marvelous there's no reason to deduct any points. Absolute 5/5 game.

This is a racing game, why am I crying. Again.

I like the concept, the art style is lovely and combining it all with a chill soundtrack really creates an enticing atmosphere.

I've played until world 4, but that's when the gameplay loop couldn't keep me interested anymore. Too much repetition and the controls just never felt natural to me. But I guess if it "clicks" for you, you'll be having a blast with this one.