As far as built in windows games go this one kicks solitaire's ass ngl

They thought that they could trick me into doing math smh

I used to think I wanted a modern take on Gauntlet Legends but after playing this I realized I only liked GL back in the day because it felt edgy for some reason.

𝕀 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕠𝕕!

Solitaire but for edgelords 🕷️

Official game of people pretending to work or pay attention in class

My headcanon is that the guy on the cover of this game is more powerful than Gandalf

I like to call the combined game mode "Tetris with prison rules"

The English language was a mistake

This world is hard on silly games. Games filled with a joyous whimsy. Nothing in this world is harder than being a goofy and fun loving game.

Not sure why but this was on a thumbdrive of roms someone gave me back in Jr High school. I didn't understand Japanese at the time but I thought it was goofy and easy enough to understand the gameplay to finish it. I later found out it was based on a Harem anime?


The guy who created this game legit thinks he is a god or something. He would get along really well with Jim Davis I think.

When your little cousin asks if you have games on your phone he is actually just saying "I want to play Fruit Ninja"

Tried this out because I watched a video by the dev somewhere and while the idea was pretty neat the game got old fast