Me? Afraid of heights? Oh no no no noooo....
Heights are afraid of me 😎

Very cool idea ruined by ARG slop

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Mostly just a shock/trauma bait sort of game. There are some neat monster designs but for the most part it's just grisly death scenarios for a 9 year old girl which is a little more just messed up than scary imo. The gameplay mechanics aren't anything more advanced than walking around and collecting stuff but the concept of the dad being some sort of evil university professor trying to clone his daughter is a bit interesting. I would've much preferred if we got to see and learn more about Azoth and maybe end up killing it instead of just lighting the house and well on fire in the end.

Cosmo D's first game that I accidentally played after first playing the Norwood Suite. The vibe and music are fantastic but the shallowness/slowness/jankiness keep it from being something great.

Zany and intriguing but also just a little more drawn out and slow paced than it should be. I'm not sure why Cosmo got rid of the ability to run from Off-Peak but otherwise it was a fun environment to explore and make connections in. The secret passages were great as well and the music is of course 🤌

An improvement in Cosmo D's formula for sure in terms of structure and transparency but not quite as fun to explore as the Norwood Suite was. It was much easier to find my way around though. The pizza building was fun as well and I enjoyed hearing everyone's unique responses.

Holy cow this was a huge jump in quality! Visually models have improved a lot and the animations are so on point and hilarious! Also the wild scenarios you could get yourself into whether you succeeded or failed at rolls made me feel even better when I won or not as bad at all even if I failed. This on top of the incredible dice mechanics that had me on my toes the entire time. The fact that you could retry rolls and rely on modifiers to turn the tables in your favor was so so much more enjoyable to me than other games where dice rolls happen instantly and you can't do much to affect their outcome. I had a smile on my face the entire time I was playing this.

Disappointing that a game with such an interesting art direction basically just culminated in praise for one of the most mid games of all time. Sure it made some interesting observations and dunked on a bunch of games I don't like, but also interesting that almost all of the games he dumped on are the poster children of Sony which was apparently the main sponsor for this.

Naw I'm done with this trash. I will start off by saying I've never played a tactics game that I've actually liked but I thought I'd give this a chance considering how much I like persona and I will try to keep my criticisms off the tactics genre as much as possible.

The designs are butt ugly. The music has way less energy than it does in any other persona game I've played. The story is forgettable and uninteresting and the characters are basically just devolved to their most basic character traits. I was hoping for some interesting development or fun evolution to the persona/smt combat/monster collecting systems (which is what I got in droves from P5S) but in the 3-4 hours I gave this a shot I got pretty much nothing out of it but boredom and frustration with the dragged out wordy cutscenes.

First visual novel to convey not only the look of a terminally online person's room but also somehow the smell

Simultaneously one of the fakest feeling games I've ever played while also being one of the realest at the same time. Not sure if I'm patient enough to actually achieve DEICIDE though.

Oooooh so this is what 50 cent was singing about in "In Da Club"!!
I always wondered what was going on in there.

Had to play this muted because my ears straight up refused to allow these sound effects to enter my ear canals

I wish I could completely relinquish all knowledge of this and everything connected to it. The Chris-chan of video games.


The ending felt so abrupt but as a whole I think this was a pretty good portrayal of what a semi dystopian but also somewhat realistic American Deep South might look like. The "combat" and boating mini games felt tacked on and unnecessary. I wish they left those details out to focus on more details or explorable areas.