I mean I get that the game tries to make you play as a serial killer and feel bad about it or whatever but like... I didn't feel like playing that way so it was just awkward that all these teens are like hunched over preparing to get killed even though I decided to leave them alone. Also there was a bug where if you took out the gun and then put it away repeatedly it'd be farther away from you each time and so I just messed around with this bug the whole time. I also jumped in the giant mouth and softlocked myself down there.

Sometimes guys just want to forfeit their body over to mushroom science. Just as a treat y'know.

Another chapter in the "pixel-y mutliplayer game where everything is a one shot" saga

Sad little swaggy little boot loving boy. Just super jumping everywhere and glitching through reality. Hats > Boots though don't even @ me.


Hol up Konami. Why didn't you let Kojima cook?

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I debated posting something as personal and sentimental as this for a long time, but as someone who has lost a child this game hits me so unbelievably hard. In my time of severe grief and depression this game felt like a message from my son from beyond the grave thanking me for being his dad and ensuring me that his life had meaning and encouraged me to make sure I valued the life I still had. This piece of true art, along with outer wilds, have helped me more than words can describe. Miss you buddy.

Ah, the most beautiful view in the world: Sugarloaf Mountain, overlooking Rio de Janeiro, where the most famous restaurant belongs to... a mouse? Meet Marcel Toing, proud owner of restaurant Ratatoing. Chef Toing knows the secret of every great chef: to prepare the most delicious meals you must find the freshest ingredients. To keep a full restaurant and to keep your competition guessing you have to go out on a limb! Do what it takes to stay number one! All while guarding your recipes, keeping them a secret! That's how you beat the competition.

Each week, Marcel and his team get into gear. Prepare for their covert mission: raiding the human's restaurant. For the tastiest treats, use wits, dodge traps, climb counters, and... bribe the cat? Can Marcel and his crew avoid the human traps, defy all danger, overcome the worst challenges, and triumph over even the biggest obstacles?

Ratatoing: where the best cuisine is found! Or stolen? Where secret ingredients are, ahhh... so delectable. A connoisseur's paradise... if you're a mouse!


I'm pretty popular with the cats though. What? Do I play jazz music or something? No no, I'm referring to regular cats, like the animal? Meow? Y'know? Hey, where are you going?

Frustrates the crap out of me but it does in fact get me thinking pretty hard and I think I need more games to do that to me.

Fun but too simple to break 3 stars for me

I can get that there's an appeal for some people in organization games but to me being forced to organize things just for the sake of organizing them is a painful form of anxiety inducing torture. Little guy face is cute tho.