10 Reasons Link: The Faces of Evil is better than botw/totk
1. First Zelda game with (superior) voice acting
2. Characters experience real emotions and growth (boredom, hunger, etc)
3. Animated anime quality cutscenes and excellent fully voice acted tutorial segments
4. Epic soundtrack (real)
5. Best portrayal of the King of Hyrule
6. Best shopkeeper in gaming also Rubies > Rupees
7. Smartsword that lets you attack enemies but also talk to friendlies > master sword
8. The guy on the flying carpet is kinda cool I guess? I like his beard.
9. There's a boss named Omfuk I mean dang that's edgy
10. You defeat Ganon by throwing a book at him idk maybe that's representative of the power of knowledge or something? C'mon give me credit I made it this far.

I mean it... kinda pushes the limits of rpg maker? I just wish it had more to offer in terms of horror than goofy jump scare chases.

He on his way to steal ur girl

Nothing could quench my thirst for additional feathers. I must have all the feathers. I must fly into the sun.

Forever etched into the back of my brain. Honestly I think it has everything you could ever want in a good point and click game. Obviously meant for kids but not too baby-ish.

Marginally better than just staring at the wall while jumping in place

The idea of multiplayer games where you work together to create a stage is awesome and needs to be used more

There are a lot of great ideas for the potential of VR here in the mechanics/controller etc but unfortunately the content is just way too shallow. Definitely got my blood pumping with some of the ambushes though.

I tried way too hard at this at parties thinking it would impress girls in high school

I like everything about this on paper but in practice the timed attacks/grid based combat system just felt so blah and the story was a bit too cartoon network feeling for me but I def support the ideas and representation.

In general I consider myself a pretty fast typer. I was always the first or second to finish my typing assignments back in school so I thought this game would be dead easy... The game itself isn't hard by any means but it gets harder and harder to type consistently the more it made me laugh due to the goofiness. Also the dreamcast keyboard is trash.