I've never beaten a shmup before but I've definitely listened to the soundtrack for this all the way through several times.

I really liked the idea for this but the execution is just not there. It feels like it's trying way too hard to tell a story when really it should just be "Boo! ahh! Oh no It's Garfilelf! ahhh!!"

The character creator in this game is yet to be surpassed in a lot of ways I'm not even freaking kidding. John Madden would actually try to pronounce your custom name and do a pretty freaking great job at it and the custom face uploader was terrifying af but still I feel like no one else has attempted anything nearly as cool since (except maybe some of the Tony Hawk games?)

Beating my older brother at this game like once (even if he let me win) was one of my all time achievements for a pretty long while. This, like Madden 2001 also had a pretty freaking good custom character system.

If most games on the Wii U were this considerate of the console's quirks then the Nintendo Switch might not have ever come out.

Seriously though and I mean it... Would anyone have even played this game if 2B wore some freaking pants? It definitely has some charm in it. Some neat moments. Some flashy combat. (The soundtrack is God tier for sure) But I strongly believe that the "aesthetic" of the game being "hot wamens with black-lace" carries it way farther than it would've gone with just the base substance it has to offer especially considering how much of the game is recycled in the basically required 2nd and 3rd playthroughs.

It's definitely worth experiencing at least through a let's play if you are interested in the events between Psychonauts 1 and 2. It's also a pretty good lore based reason for having a game that operates within the confines of VR rules.

Hypnospace outlaw but for edgy Russian teens

Crash Bandicoot x Persona 3 crossover

Head crabs edible confirmed 10/10

The Pyramid Song section is a spiritual experience.

When I was in Jr. High I would sometimes pretend I had a lazy eye because I wanted to be Thom Yorke.

While it's a lot more coherent than the first game in the visuals department it somehow makes less sense and feels more stilted in every other aspect.

Combing the FPS and RTS genres, while a fantastic idea, just didn't stay interesting for long enough... but maybe the problem was I could never find a large enough group of humans to play with because the bots were broken af. Some of the alien abilities were pretty fun to mess around with.