I think about this constantly. Something about its earnest, yet goofy and uncanny vibe just resonates with me so hard. Some real hard hitting drama as well and the music is legit some of the best jazz fusion of all time. I just want to hang out with these flamboyant racing himbos (and all the really great female characters too) and wear giant jackets and live in a world where everyone is constantly talking about racing and randomly challenging everyone they meet to street race as well. Chicken race is a freaking awesome racing mini game and all racing games need to have it imo.

I played this is Japanese with a friend like months before the fan translation was announced and translated for him as we played and man it was an experience. From what I've sesen of the translation it looks like they did a pretty good job transferring over the vibe from the original which is really respectable NGL considering how much of the original Japanese is sprinkled with unnatural sounding English phrases.

It'd be a 5/5 for sure if it wasn't for all of the clunkiness, loading screens, and wildly complex stats, but playing through an emulator helped to mitigate a lot of these issues.

Dang my mom would've frickin killed me if she knew I was playing this rated-M game where rappers swear and curb-stomp each other over at my friend Jacob's house.

I played this game expecting to get frustrated but I must be wired in a certain way in that every time I fell and lost a lot of progress I just laughed uncontrollably. Fantastic game to bust up laughing at 1:30AM with the boys.

Proves my theory that the mushrooms are all spying on us

Rides such a fine line of stuff that is familiar to me as someone who went to high school in the US (the cop assigned to my high school was arrested for soliciting minors) but is also so incredibly ridiculous in so many other ways. Just a little bit too overly negative for me but it def hit a handful of nostalgia/oh yeah so true points.

RIP Zane's mom she should've kicked Melvin in the nards when she had the chance

Was genuinely not expecting to like this one as much as I did. I never grew to like the Johnny Test characters or dialogue and I have never been a fan of the DMC/Platinum combat grading bullcrap but the way the music blends with the story and environment is something I have been yearning for in games for a long time. The levels with The Prodigy and The Joy Formidable where some of my favorite gaming moments in recent memory. Played in Japanese.

Incredible characters and compelling mysteries. The way this game touches on topics such as religion and colonialism is impressive in how it shows them from multiple perspectives, good and bad, in such a human way. It's nowhere near as complex or deep but I enjoyed this way more than Disco Elysium NGL.

I love Noisestorm and I was genuinely so hyped for this game but unfortunately I just can't really get into the endless risk of rain style gameplay it ended up having.

Battle passes have ruined gaming (puns do not make up for this)

Hee hee funny Michael Jackson cop

Honestly I have a hard time getting into base-building survival games, but I think the simplicity in gameplay and narrative kept me going on this one. Naked zombos scale up in power incredibly quickly though making it necessary to farm for armor which is tedious.

Team Reptile needs to share their swag with like every other game studio out there. We can only stand to benefit.

This is the one WITHOUT Obama shaving :(