Would've been a 100 star if they just kept the presentation from the first chapter throughout the whole game. I want to punch the card youtuber guy in the face.

I love the Obama prism meme. I love the idea of fighting a giant Obama head with lasers and Obama prisms flying around it. But why is the main character fighting... for racism? The first game I ever refunded on steam.

I love the avant garde wacky idea behind this game as a playable soundtrack but unfortunately it hurts me physically to play it.

My first SWERY game and the kickstarter made it look like it'd be quirky and fun. Think of all the fun mechanics they can introduce by letting you transform into a dog or cat! Naw it's just endless fetch quests forever. Everyone in the town has an uncanny valley personality. Protag is extremely unlikable. RIP.

I guess some people really like takes like this into the world of mental illness/paranoia/I'm not sure but really not much is happening except for the occasional unsettling imagery and her getting mad at you and making you start over if you don't pick the option she wanted.

I sort of got into idle games this past year and some of them actually had merit and interesting stuff going on. This one doesn't. Why is this the popular one?

I don't know if there's much more to say about this one other than I guess I tend to not like roguelikes? This one was particularly disappointing to me because I really loved all the goofy gun theming but the learning curve was just too high and I had no motivation to make it past the first like... 3 floors maybe? Might be worth giving a shot again someday considering I've completed Hotline Miami since then and improved a bit at twin stick shooters. Also the pixel art is ugly as sin sorry.

Honestly I wasn't expecting this much but when the first paywall I hit was my custom character being straight up choked by a plant unless I forked over the coin I got tf out of there pretty fast.

I really like the attempts to be deep here but as the game went on it just started to mess with the ethics of my brain and I no longer felt like I could condone it.

This game looks great. The steam page made it look great and just amateur/goofy enough to give a shot like it might have some nice moments or whatever. It's just crappy hide and seek with crappy riddles and almost literally no payoff.

I am honestly probably one of the biggest Mario haters you'll ever meet. But for whatever reason I thought a Mario mobile game actually made sense and would be a great platform for the Mario format. The game sucks hard.

My family and I love Chibi-Maruko Chan. She's hilarious. Her antics are great. A gameboy game about her raising money to get some dumb toy seems like a plot straight from one of the episodes. It's literally just 3 garbage minigames. Zero humor. Zero fun. Played in Japanese.

The idea of a Dragonball Z rpg to me as a kid was such a good one I didn't ever think it could possibly go wrong... What the hell is this? Goku just got one shot by a dog.

The gameplay is stored in the P-Organ