I genuinely don't know where to begin. This game in my opinion has the best characters (Zidane is genuinely so cool and I love Vivi so much) out of the whole final fantasy series. The style they chose to make this game felt like the perfect 2D to 3D progression for Final Fantasy. I love this game so much and the message it kept trying to enforce. Life really is about living each day to the fullest and striving to find your very own meaning to your life. This game immediately has earned a place into my heart. Words would not be enough to praise this game. Final Fantasy IX really feels like the magnum opus of the Final Fantasy franchise.

The party members of this game were (mostly) great. I really enjoyed just watching the characters interact with eachother throughout the story. FF7 has genuinely amazing worldbuilding and I can see why they would want to expand the world to even greater heights.

Genuinely peak, Square Enix really hit their stride making this game. The story and the depth of the party members was astounding. Shocked me that the game decided to have so many different characters each with their own unique playstyles. ALSO THE MUSIC IN THIS GAME GRAAAAAAAH!!! Everyone involved in making this game was in their element and added amazing ingredients to make a 5-course meal.

Peak gameplay, actually surprised me with how much I enjoyed experimenting combining different jobs.

I have no idea where to even start. Almost everything in this game is a step up from the first one. Exploring the world of Alrest was absolutely amazing as well as all of the breathtaking areas that really showcase the Nintendo Switch's full potential. The world building with all of the Titans and the varying cultures of the different nations was really insightful. This game actively feels like a huge adventure. Next up EVERY single character of this game's cast gets a chance to shine. You'll grow to love the characters and care for them deeply. EVEN the rare summons all have their own character to them and their own stories that'll make you grow attached to them. The gameplay of this game is a huugeee step up from Xenoblade and really kicks off and becomes super fast paced once you unlock even more skills in the game. The game can be challenging at times but it's VERY rewarding and satisfying. The story will make you feel every emotion known to man and the MUSIC of this game just accentuates every single moment and takes it to an entirely new level. Nothing I can say can bring justice to just how beautiful the music of this game is. The compositions of every song just breathed life into every area that you visit and set the vibe of that location. All in all everything comes together to create a genuine wonderful video game experience. This game shouldn't just be taken at face value, it should be enjoyed as a whole on your own accord, regardless of the discourse you may or may not have heard about the game. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a remarkable masterpiece of a game and it will make you feel human again.

A great closure to Melia's arc. Felt it was a short but sweet addition to the world of Xenoblade 1. It wasn't exactly super plot heavy but it does give insight on Melia's role as the empress and the hope of the Entia. Unfortunate that you can't carry on all your gems and such from the base game though.

All the praise that you have heard about this series doesn't do it enough justice. It was amazing adventuring through the world of Bionis and Mechonis. No words can be said that can adequately describe how amazing the music of this game is. Lastly the story-telling is the magnum opus of video games truly. You're either a fan of Xenoblade or you just haven't played it yet really.

Really enjoyed the additions to the gameplay. It managed to seem fresh and new while expanding from breath of the wild completely. Though I will say I did not enjoy the same story-telling method being kept (having to collect 'memories' once again).