The shitty audio still echoes in my head, but I appreciate the fact that the guy sampled the sound of slapping his wife's buttocks


Those were the times when I thought this was a fantastic game

Let's clarify that this was one of my brother's favorite games around 2008 or so

Exploring the memories of a decomposing brain should be something to do every day

When dressing as a Nazi was the hottest trend

An educational game about sea creatures, too limited in its objectives. However, there are a couple of scenes (e.g., some featuring whales) that are quite evocative

Easygoing puzzles, and there are multiple ways to solve them, considering it's not a particularly sophisticated physics game

A game with a precise and specific target audience that, I'm sure, has never captured the attention of anyone within that target, despite Steam's claims to the contrary

Gioco-passatempo, niente di più niente di meno

Camperavo tra le montagne e facevo il cecchino bastardo? Forse sì, forse no

L'editor dei livelli è la cosa migliore

Unico ringraziamento che rivolgiamo a Bloober Team

Questo è il Team che vuole fare un remake di Silent Hill

Amiamo il revival degli horror in stile PS1, ma non così tanto