It can be fun at times, but it's so irritating to play sometimes.

May not be classic Tomb Raider... but I've never played classic Tomb Raider so I'm not biased. This game's pretty good, I had fun.

It's okay. It's really nothing special, but it's nice to have. Gen 4 is my second favorite generation, so I love that it exists but it's very lacking in what you'd expect a remake to be. If you look past that, it's very charming, especially if you're nostalgia blind like me, with lots of nice colors and cool/fun touches here and there, but it could have been more.

One of my favorite 3D platformers.

Some of the best 2D Zelda has to offer.

Had so much promise, but it quickly got extremely irritating to play not long after release. Also, the pricing system for skins is absurd.

I adore this game. It is constantly fighting for the top spot as one of my favorite RPGs of all time, and maybe as one of my favorite games of all time, period.

Had some promise, but just ended up being a mid-tier Pokémon game. Play it if you're a fan of the series, or for series completionist purposes.

Makes the base game a LOT better. With the expansion pass, Sword/Shield moves up to 4 stars.

My personal favorite Zelda game.

An absolute classic. So colorful, so fun, so infuriating sometimes, but a great time nonetheless. While a tad floaty, it's a wonderful journey through a coloring-book world filled with happy music and varied landscapes. The platforming is solid and satisfying and the mechanics are fun with just enough variety to keep things interesting. With a whole truckload of creativity and fun, this is a must-play for platforming fans.

The best version of the game, in my opinion.

Such a charming and fun game, and gorgeous to boot.

Such a fun and charming RPG, one of my favorites (if not my favorite) Mario and Luigi titles.