That's my Ichiboy right there! Honestly would rate higher if the JRPG mechanics felt a little more polished. And with a glimpse of 8 I think that might be exactly what I want

Noobow is my good friend, they make me go Yipee!!!

I'm literally only playing this cause I got the key for it and I've been playing through all the Postal games. Don't really have high hopes

Honestly don't have a lot to say about this one other then it feels really fun and is just the right amount of time for it to not feel like it's dragging on.

It's even more FEAR except this time it's super boring because the combat feels slow with how spongy the new enemies are, the lighting is gone making the game look like shit, and the story and horror is somehow even worse then it already was. If it says anything on how boring it was I've also completed Postal 3 and the Sega CD version of The Lawnmower Man game without even thinking about maybe abandoning them. Not outright awful but maybe it should of been so it was at least interesting in any way shape or form, would not recommend.

I have some very mixed feelings on this game. I would say that I mostly enjoyed it and it's story but there were parts of said story that didn't click with me at all. However the parts of the story that did click mainly around Kiryu and his family were absolutely amazing to me. Also on the gameplay I could tell it was pretty busted because of the new engine but in complete honesty I enjoyed the hell out of it.

I did not enjoy this one unfortunately. I like parts of the story mainly around Kiryu and the Orphanage but not much else really clicked with me.

I don't even know how to review this one honestly

I may come back to this game later, but honestly this just feels like a worse version of 2. Mainly in the feel of the game, I actually think the humor is better in this one from what I've seen but I have admittedly not even made it past day 1. Maybe some day I'll try it again and actually have fun

Very nice little demo of what's to come. Not much else to say on it other then that.

I don't think it's as good as the 1st game's story in some parts but I still think it's fascinating. Definitely try it out.

So here I am writing this review and honestly I don't quite know exactly how to feel about this DLC. I thought it started strong and had some interesting stuff near the end but overall it was just more of the same with a couple benefits and downsides here and there. It does actually improve on some stuff like the balancing by making the some of the spongier enemies less spongy and putting them in groups of regular enemies vs just groups comprised of themselves like in the base game. On top of that it actually has some horror sections which were cool in the way they were presented, but still not actually scary. But the sheer amount of technical problems and some poor design choices with these annoying but also just uninteresting monsters that show up for the DLC just really brought down my experience. Also the Finale is just the most nothing wave of enemies ever comparing all encounters from both base game and the DLC itself, it's just so boring and anti climatic. Essentially my final feelings on it are that I think there was some good moments here and there and I think the team did a decent job for making a DLC for a game they didn't even initially do development for, but by the end of Extraction Point I was thinking less about all that that I just mentioned and I was more so just thinking about the fact I was glad I was done with it.

Honestly I kinda fell in love with this game from art style, music, the way the game feels and just so so much more. But it is not actually finished yet so I will have to wait and see how Chapter 2 turns out. However if the Interlude is anything to go off of, I'm guessing it's gonna be pretty damn good!

I'm gonna be real with you, I have not actually beaten it myself lol. Seems alright but a little too damn long even for this series