It's alright. Had some really fun moments, had some really frustrating moments.

Ok this version of the game is awful but in a so bad it's good as long as you got friends with you for the ride kinda way

Better then 1 in almost every one. Very fun experience

So part of the reason I haven't been writing up stuff is because of work and the fact I've been playing Infinite Wealth right now. However, I realized things have been a little too good recently so I went out of my way to get a key for this game for a whopping 2 dollars and try it out to see if it's truly as bad as everyone says it is. Anyways sorry for the long intro let me get to actually talking about it now.

It's a very mediocre Half Life 2 mod with some really bad and funny choices.

Alrighty reviews over :)

So, I actually beat this game like a month ago but forgot to submit a review I think lol.
Anyways this game was way better then I was expecting it to be, both in it's story and gameplay. I went into the game with the mindset it had a pretty alright gameplay loop and a really bad story only to come out of it thinking the gameplay was great and that the story and characters were really fun to learn more about. Undeniably that story is one that's pretty generic in some ways along with a lot of camp, but in the end it feels like something I would of really liked watching on Toonami as a kid. The gameplay is great with it being a FPS focused around speedrunning levels and getting the best time possible with a good run of level usually being as short as 20-30 seconds. Honestly there is not a whole lot I personally have to say about it other then it feels good to control. Also it's really more of a puzzle game then it is a platformer, and I thought those puzzles were fun as hell. Finally I'll just say the OST for this game is absolutely amazing, Machine Girl knocked it out of the park with this one.
Overall, if you like FPS games focused around using your brain to speedrun through a level as fast as possible with a early toonami anime story to back that, I think you'll love this game.

Game is still actively being worked on and it is very early access but it's a great time with friends.

Very weird yet interesting little adventure game. I wouldn't say its the best in a pure quality sense but I personally had a great time with it (even when I had use a guide). Honestly would suggest to try it out

Funky lil child of Jet Set Radio/Tony Hawk that is pretty fun for what it is and has an enjoyable story, even if it feels it misses here and there.

A modern day masterpiece of a thriller. Saying anything would be too much. Highly Recommended

Very very short (nothing wrong with that btw) little adventure game with some pretty fun movement.

Very Edgy but honestly kinda solid top down shooter.

Back to Regretting Nothing. Other then the final part drags a little bit.

Honestly jokes aside it's not actually the worse but it's pretty generic for a Postal game and can be pretty broken at times.