game is pretty good but also I would trade every single cave for a single extra surface area

pikmin is such a perfect inspired concept for a game it feels like it just has to exist. if nintendo never made pikmin I wonder if someone else would've though of it

the amount of luck that goes into every single map in this game is completely absurd. enemy ability spreads are luck. enemy behavior is luck. ally npc behavior, hit chance, debuff hit chance, even self buffs. multiple times I replayed maps over and over with near identical input and had wildly wildly different results. completely unacceptable for a strategy game.

keeping pace with enemy levels requires grinding. I know grinding in rpgs is kind of contentious and can have a place, but in a game with a battle system this slow it should be not be a necessity for blind players, not to mention the amount of grinding it must take to get the most out of the job and poaching systems.

story seems really good from the about 50% of it I saw, and the game really does work when its not halting your progress with inflated enemy levels or absurd rng checks every other map.

this game really seems to have a lot to offer somewhere in there but is probably best played more slowly than I am willing to, or just with a guide. game sucks idgaf. play fire emblem

every time I play one of these old shooters I have such an incredible time on the first level and by the third I'm so entirely over it. and honestly that's fine I still feel like it was worth my time.

it must be some kind of divine joke that the best gameplay mechanics in the series are tied to the most embarrassing story and characters. at least fates had some style

I refused to play alleged game of the year candidate Hades just because it used an isometric camera so basically this is not happening

finally a game that lets you live out the american dream of shooting your boss with a laser weapon

maybe I'm missing something since I don't really find either game scary, but other than the dialogue this game does everything better than the original. the world is just so much more interesting this time and the pacing is a lot better. yes some of the writing is bad, but the original had such a stupid ending that you're better off just ignoring the story in both games anyway

never have I played a game that tries this hard to softlock you

some indie dev who knows how to write please rip this game off I need more

I accidentally played the sequel first and was looking forward to this one being better and also scarier like people say. that is not the case

this game is really cool and I'm sure it works for some people but the mechanics just aren't fun

entering and exiting your vehicle is such a good gimmick for this kind of game. someone who can make a better game than this should rip it off

might be too linear if you're a real kings field gamer but is still really good

looking for new soulslike
ask if its exploration focused or combat gauntlet
"its a good soulslike sir"
play the game
combat gauntlet