They really took 2's combat and said: "yo, you like what we did here? well what if we did it again, but like way better?" and they made it fucking peak

also the story was cool and I'm glad I did the sidequests as I went rather than in bulk, built a real community

I have a newfound appreciation for the combat system after beating this game.

also field moves suck fuck field moves

The casino is honestly the best part of the game. That and hearing Eggman yelling "GET A LOAD OF THIS" as sonic got a load of it

I can't believe sonic died bruh....pouring one out for him tonight

After completing this game I felt like that one clip of Danny Devito being like: "I get it. I understand."

anyway when dunban was over there while reyn hit the yoinky sploinky I felt that

After finishing this game, I'm of the mind that this game is good (by Pokemon standards) and fun! I really enjoyed the new Pokemon designs this generation and the characters and world-building was pretty cool too.

It's just extremely disappointing that these games are held back by a literal mountain of technical and performance issues, a lot of which could've been easily ironed out if these games were given more than a year's worth of development time, especially since these games are coming off of PLA, which released just 10 months prior.

tl;dr: a good 7/10 can change your life

It'll be really sad to see this game go, but I'm grateful for all of the fun I had playing the game. I think despite Nintendo's efforts to keep it in the background, it managed to stand out among other gachas due to the action-focused gameplay and character designs. All in all it was a super fun experience and I hope that maybe in the future Nintendo and/or Cygames can revisit this game.

Love the character designs and overall gameplay, also enjoyed seeing my progression as I learned certain boss fights and got better over time.

Good game and I recommend it to people looking for something Mega Man adjacent or a decent challenge.

My friends told me I cheated during the color rail section on the sky level

all I did was run with the pegasus boots lmao

I was the first of my friends to get into the Overwatch 2 beta.

my friends proceeded to then kill me and call me a bitch immediately afterwards.

A great game from start to finish. Everything about this game oozes personality and I'm super excited to play NirvanA Initiative when I get it!

also date says fuck wahoo

Bowling and tennis are good sports, that's really it

also getting to A rank in bowling was fun

my friend serge kept asking me to duel him so I beat his ass and then proceeded to make montages out of them

feel free to watch them below :)

The ghosts getting tricked has been and will still be my favorite part of the game.