Imagine Metal Gear Rising, but better in a lot of ways, you have dmc5.
The gameplay and soundtrack are the obvious standouts, the gameplay is fluid and something is always going on.
Devil Trigger and Bury the Light are songs in the soundtrack, I do not need to elaborate on why the soundtrack is good.
The level design and some of the enemy designs were quite good.
The story was ok, nothing outstanding, nothing awful.
Would definitely recommend this game.

No star rating because I cannot be bothered.
Decent game to play offline or while I'm bored, also funny to realise the unironically deep story and lore that the series has.

Frederick Fazbear game is a game I have not yet finished so I can't give a full review, as well as the start of a giant meme.
Its also weird that such a simple game spawned the huge franchise that is fnaf.
The atmosphere and sound design of this game make it surprisingly more tense then you'd expect.
Also this was when the lore was surprisingly simple, it no longer is.

Why have I played this game so much.

Most of the stuff i say here is the same as the second game. Good atmosphere, soundtrack to back that up, confusing story. But i find the second game to be overall better.

The entire plot of this game is a goose doing a little trolling. Need i say more?

While I really liked this game when I originally ran through it and achievement ran it, It's no longer in my top games.
The atmosphere created is perfect for the game, elevated by the pretty decent soundtrack. The visuals look great and I would've liked this or subnautica below 0 to win the visual awards on steam.
The story on the surface was decent, but being little nightmares it's a lot about reading between the lines.
Also the ending is very well thought out.

Minecraft was in reality the first game I got, not just the first game I got on steam. I used to play it a lot, and to this day, I still play it from time to time now, mainly on modded though.
It wouldn't feel right rating this game any lower either, because of how much it changed gaming as a whole.
Summing up, an incredibly important game that can still remain fun to this day.

I should really be rating this higher then I am. While I enjoyed this game, The dated systems hold it back from being top tier. This is also one of the more difficult games, which I won't complain at really. The graphics are rather dated, as you'd expect and the story was rather ok.
Essentially I'd recommend it if you're fine with older game systems.

I imagine I'm in the minority here, while this game has flaws, I enjoyed it. While the game was short and the story was, pretty stupid near the end. Probably best to mention I never played the 1999 one now, as that is probably a reason why I have my opinions on the game. The start is probably the strongest part of the game, and aside from one section near the end, the end of the game is worse, but still enjoyable. I found the combat better then 2 due to differing mechanics and the enemy designs were cool, just like 2.
I'd recommend this game on sale, it's good but isn't worth full price.

Imagine Resident Evil 4, but better graphics. That's almost what this game is, I enjoyed this game a lot more then I expected. Like 4 there are many different ways to play the game due to the upgrade system, which worked well for me. The graphics on the game look great and while there weren't many enemy designs, i thought they looked good. The story was somewhat logical, but there are some retcons from 7 that don't make sense unless I remember 7 wrong. The gameplay loop also doesn't get stale due some of the things in the game.
I'd recommend this game, but maybe on sale.

First re game i got, still one of my favourites, still looks great to this day. Story on the whole was great but there are a few inconsistencies and plot holes, gameplay is fun.
Knowing a bit more about the series now, this game is very important to it. Re7 saved the series. The game had very bland enemy designs, which is one of the larger flaws of the game.
Still a game i would definitely recommed for fans of horror, this series, or for someone who wants to get into it.

A classic, and for good reason. Despite the dated graphics the gameplay is fun, and there are lots of ways to play this game due to the upgrade system, and the story is pretty good, somewhat of a joke.
A lot of the dialogue is jokes and one liners as well, shouldn't put you off if you haven't played it, makes the game better.
Also this game is getting a remake soon, hopefully its the same level of quality.

As much as this game is a mess, a complete mess. I somewhat like it. The messy story and gameplay work to create a hard to replicate experiance, that i actually enjoyed. Unfortunately I never had another person to play with, so i had to deal with the inconsistent partner ai. The shop system is just a worse version of 4s, and you get flooded with ammo>money.
Summing up: Stupid dumb "enjoyable if you turn off your brain" game, probably better with a friend.

This is my favourite in the series. So much of it works, the graphics are amazing and while some of the soundtrack was generic horror/action soundtrack, there are some standouts. The gameplay is very fun but it becomes somewhat stale if you actively achievement hunt. Being a new Resident Evil game, the enemy designs are creative and interesting. The story was also good.