A game that does everything it can to suck the fun out of a otherwise decent feeling experience. Frustrating to the point of wanting to spike your controller. No slow buildup either, the difficulty comes early. While it feels good to persevere, in the end it wasn't worth it for me.

Its fun the beat the crap out of the enemies and watch them ragdoll. There isn't much depth here though... run through the levels and punch everything that moves until it stops moving. Was fun while it lasted but not something I'll ever go back to.

Very addictive rogue-style puzzle game. Don't go in expecting epic Mech or Kaiju combat, instead think of the matches as mini puzzles that require you to use the different unique abilities of your units to survive.

A great attempt at making a rogue-lite shmup, but ultimately fell short for me. I beat it but will probably never return. Good graphics and music, but uninspired weapons and gameplay loop.

Easily one of the best games ever made, and a landmark achievement that moved the entire industry forward in terms of cinematic storytelling and unique intuitive mechanics.

Full disclosure, I'm absolutely obsessed with Robocop, so this game was already right up my alley. But it all honesty, it feels like this was a labor of love for the devs. I was also pleasantly surprised by the amount of time I spent not shooting creeps, and instead exploring the city and completing side quests.

One of the best action Rogue-lites I've ever played. Very skilled based action with no shortage of difficulty, if you have the stones for it.

Simple puzzle platformer with a very dark theme. Not for the faint of heart, there is disturbing visuals and some jump scares. I appreciated my short time with the game, even if I don't feel I totally absorbed all of its themes. Seems to be a lot about questioning faith?


Very well made Mega Man X Rogue-lite. The art style is a bit low grade, and the game gives off "Flash" vibes, but it's got it where it counts; the gameplay. Music is fantastic too.

The best card battling Rogue-style game ever made. I'm hopelessly addicted even after putting in hundreds of hours.

Fantastic rhythm game that feels like it was made for the Steam Deck. Trust me, play this one with the trackpads. Smooth as butter and just as delicious