I really want to be optimistic about the game, but I can't help it. The Turk mythology and the story is really good. But gameplay, cinematic camera, mechanics, everything is terrible. I don't remember a fun part in the game. I finished the game in 4.5 hours but I wouldn't recommend the game.

Gameplay is fun in first 30-40 hours then PVE content is hella repetitive. PVP is no funny at all. There is no reason to play this game after 60 hours i believe. You'll have a good journey with friends at least 30 hours.

It takes a lifetime to participate in online games. When weekly events come in for a specific car type you don't like, you have to wait 1 week for a new event. If you don't like the new event when it comes, you have no reason not to delete the game. Online matches are full of butchers that crash you full speed. The game is nice in terms of driving and mechanics. Performance is terrible, low FPS.

The game manages to be aimless while trying to be artistic.

Actually, my expectations were very low because all the reviews were like "garbage compared to the first game, don't play it, it's not fun". With this in mind, I opened the game and at first I didn't like the battle system. As I slowly got used to it, I realized that it was actually more strategic and fun. The story flow of the game is already excellent. Coon and friends is one of my favorite concepts. Playing with my friends in South Park is perfect. Mitch conner character is really funny. A 10/10 game that does not deserve the criticisms made. I'm sure all south park fans will love to play.

It's so beautiful. I haven't felt so much a part of a game in a long time. I had a lot of fun, I was never bored. I put myself in the characters' eyes and felt the story. I made friends with Eric Cartman and fought together. I laughed a lot at the funny references. I liked the aggressive humor and I was never bored with the story. I loved walking around South Park and interacting with NPCs. On the other hand, they made the fights very, very fun. The skills are very unique and even though it's turn-based, you have to play actively. You have to adjust the timing of all of them, not just click and release. Most of the skills are very unique and funny. I recommend everyone to play, whether you are a South Park fan or not. Eric Cartman <3

The game structure that reflects the 90s era. Both level designs and graphics are completely retro. The levels are very fluid but sometimes cancerous. Especially the producer's cancer with single shooting platforms and pushing mobs is sometimes annoying. Average and uninteresting. I wish the producer would have focused more on game design instead of unnecessary traps. The levels feel like a detour on the way to the boss, there's rarely any good platforming. Bosses are easy and bland. I'm torn between giving it a positive and negative rating, but I'm giving it a positive rating by a small margin.

The game has both online competitive and story mode. First of all, the story mode is garbage. Online mode suffers from lack of players. Everyone who plays regularly is a dog of the game. If you are a new player, you have no chance to play with people of your own level. The game is unplayable in 2023.

Cat Quest 2 is a better version of the first Cat Quest game in almost every way. The characters are clearer, the story is more fluid. The side quests have a story of their own. You need to play the first game to fully understand the story. But in terms of gameplay, there is no reason to play the first game. The graphics feel like an RTX version of the first game. This time, unlike the first game, we manage 2 characters. This makes the game much more fun. You can switch between characters. It is very enjoyable to make one character a mage and the other character a melee fighter. We can also play co-op, and the fighting mechanics are much better. Ranged fighting is also there. Enemies can also attack from a distance. It is a sweet and beautiful game with an average gameplay time of 5 hours.

The mechanics of the game are really great. Sometimes I see such mechanics and puzzles that I marvel and say wow. I can't say it's hard in general, but it's not easy either. I had more difficulty at the beginning than at the end, maybe it was getting used to the mechanics, I don't know. It's a chill game to play with tea or coffee. In general, it doesn't get boring and progresses smoothly. Also, the game offers us a story, even if it's not in the foreground. There is more than one ending but I didn't find it necessary. I enjoyed it and finished it in one sitting. It's perfect for those who like difficult puzzles and puzzle lovers.


I've punched my dash button.

It's a perfected version of the first game with a lot of things on top of it. The game gives you variety and freedom in every area you can do. There are limitless ways you can approach a situation. The lore is a bit complex and requires some serious thought. It's not as cinematic storytelling as Baldur's gate 3. So it is possible to miss the story at some points. The characters are very finely crafted. You can feel the emotional weight of each character. And the dialogs are so varied that it's a masterpiece.

Brotato is the best of the vampire survivors-like games in my opinion. Stages lasting less than 1 minute and with the buffs that come with the shop and level up at the end, the game doesn't get boring even for a minute. As far as I remember, there are around 30 characters in the game. Each character's gameplay is unique. The items are interesting. Although the game is limited in terms of boss variety and boss patterns, it offers everything it promises. Achievements encourage you to play all characters when you finish the game with each character.

It's fun to wander around and blow things up. But I can't say the same for the main story. Yes, there is a story being told, even if it's scattered. I stopped following the story after a while. The missions are surprisingly divided into two. Some of them are very creative and fun, while others are boring as hell. It's a huge difference from the first game and it's a big improvement on it. Even nowadays it's fun to fly around and be ridiculous, but after 2-3 hours it's alt+f4.

Doesn't aged well to 2023.