12 reviews liked by Ty2023

How people think this is better than the first one is beyond me

many happy songs performed beautifully, though sometimes i think there is a profound sadness in her heart

I played Chicken Shoot as a kid because of course I did. This game's all about how fast you can touch cock with the DS stylus. Its kind of like if the word "shovelware" was uttered enough times that it was able to take the cosmic background energy and coalesce into a being of pure hatred. Another game sold exclusively in pharmacies and probably funeral homes

I got my copy of Pet Alien at the pharmacy many years ago. This is a puzzle game where you go around and collect gems and break blocks and shit. One of those games where there's probably a murder confession in the coding somewhere. The craziest plot twist is that Pet Alien was actually a real TV show that had like 50 episodes

Some of my fondest gaming memories are with Fable II. The plot spans much of your character's life as you age, go on adventures, and the world changes around you. You can play fetch with your dog and shit yourself in public until a crowd forms. This game taught me about condoms and may have been my first look into where babies really come from. Forever a classic.

the only horrifying thing about this game is that i wasted money on the collectors edition day 1 when i was 14


In all seriousness this game refines all the rough edges of the original game to a sleek razors edge. A prime example of "The Perfect Sequel." Comparing this game to its remake, Kiwami 2, only further shows the amazing pacing the first 2 games had that was ruined with the excessive amounts of bloat in their lesser remakes. I don't care what anyone says this game has aged amazingly and anyone who says its unplayable is wrong. Of course its not without its issues like missable substories but its still easily one of the best entries. Ryuji Goda still remains the best foil to Kiryu the series ever had

Bring back Sayama, Nagoshi, you fucker. I miss my wife

This review was written before the game released

The true litmus test to see if you have the refined palate for kino or if you will get filtered


what if RE4 was made in the 7th gen and sucked ass