3 quests is super short. Also just 3 go here kill this quests.
The robot customization is cool but a bit lackluster
Ada is cool but very shallow and feels like waste potential
Ending is stupid
Also new "rust devils" faction is literally just palette swapped raiders with no quests or lore or anything remarkable
New armor looks meh (kinda ugly tbh) and new weapons are ok.

Fun Entertaining
Lacks many RPG elements from the old games
Dialogue is literally yes, no (yes later), maybe, exposition question, or occasionally funny sarcastic remark (still yes).
Good gunplay and enemy variety
Lots of map and areas to explore
Lots of upgrades and loot
This game feels like it has good bones but is ultimately half baked with shallow story, dialogue, irrelevant choices, and factions.

A beautiful father and son story that feels like a movie. Visceral and engaging combat. Magical set pieces and visuals.
Two small cons:
Not enough enemy variety
Smaller set pieces and spectacle than the previous trilogy (this did not bother me with the new story, art, tone and theme direction and was an issue I have heard a lot from others)
This is one of if not my favorite game ever.

Beautiful atmosphere, fun gameplay, rougelike, great art style, and good music
I am not a fan of deck builders or card games but this truly reeled me in. Hard to say anything, must experience game with no idea what is ahead of you.

How is it possible for something to be this bad. Boring, bad, ugly, poor gameplay, writing. Wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole even if it was free.

A beautiful sequel that builds on everything from the first game, which was already almost perfect.