14 reviews liked by UmJammerAddie

marvel had no idea what they unleashed by letting capcom of japan draw psylocke sprites

The AI of this game is high on crack

the one song in this game gives me nightmares

forced to interact with strange men was a bonding experience

did you know that the soviet union fell less than 3 weeks after this game released? thanks for smashing communism, mega man!

i hate this game, i have 800 hours on it

Great Final Fantasy game, with a great battle/gameplay system, and some of the best music on the SNES. I really enjoyed the first half of the game, but I didn't enjoy the second half of it as much. I also didn't enjoy Kefka as a villain as much as many other players do - he just seemed like a more silly, and worse version of the far superior Joker archetype. Also, I didn't find many of the characters, outside of maybe 3, gripping, and overall felt that they lacked development and proper focus.

fuck you fuck you fuck and ou worst game ever it has so much soulllll man

fucking hell man. was (and still to a certain degree) obsessed with this thing and it's really hard to talk about this game without being biased. but yeah, the pacing issues are there, it's a coming-of-age story/baby's first murder mystery about anime kids, whatever the fuck. i will never care less about how shit it is since it's so uplifting and comforting, genuinely helps with major depressive slumps sometimes

"after you finish your typing exercises, you can play kid pix until class is over."

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by walacchia |

31 Games