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This dlc is so fucking good, the story is great, the new weapons are awesome ( but why are there so much snipers tho) and the new characters are great with again such impactful writing and decisions you have to make. The only character that i felt could have been cooked more is kurt hansen but one could argue that he is not the true villain of this dlc. Also i have never seen such a small area being implemented so well. Dogtown is pretty small, but every ounce is so filled with content. The new gigs ar even better than the ones of the main game, feeling like main missions.

The relics are cool to and the new driving gigs with the added vehicles are cool asf

this dlc is easily worth 30euros

Unfortunately this was rather a miss for me, on paper this should have succeeded but gearbox just can't get that magic looter shooter feeling back anymore.

The story while better than b3 still kinda sucks, atleast the villain is not annoying this time but all other characters are still so stupid and the jokes are terrible.

The overall gameplay is the best it has ever been though, gun's feel snappy and the loadout variation is as strong as ever , but the whole gameplay loop in this game is repetitive as hell. B3 did it the best with boss farming + raids + arms race. This game has only 1 thing and that's dungeons. Boss farming in this game is so fucking bad.
The big problem with dungeons is that you are tired of them before you even started. The whole overworld gimmick is fun at the start but as soon as you finish the game you realise this is the entire endgame.

Also i am just getting tired of borderlands in general, they really need to spice up the gameplay loop in the next one or i'il just get tired again before i even reach the endgame. Plus hire actual good writers for once ffs

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Ngl i really fucking love this game, great pacing , lovely level design. But all the sudden you save a hot chick and save her from falling 10/10 game of the generation

Edit: finished it, it was an amazing experience that got me at the edge of my seat through the whole playthrough. Not that it's scary, but the situations that it put's you in requires you to be at full attention to survive. The enemies are fun to fight and the combat is snappy, i do find the camera in some instances to be a nuisance, but only in a few situations.

The story is also pretty good and the lore had me invested. The characters are also really well writen and likable, my favorite being leon himself.

The graphics are not next gen but the atmosphere was def pretty great, i really liked the atmosphere of the beginning areas and the labs.

The bossfights are all solid, although tbh the difficulty in order of the fights was a bit all over the place( what i mean with this is that the fights don't really go from easy to hard, such as the final boss was fairly easy while ramon was such a pain in the ass).

Overall almost perfect , my complains are just about small moments