Really pretty and incredibly unnerving game all things considered. Play it in two chunks or with friends and this thing is like, a dream. Really fun control scheme too, even if sometimes it gets a little too big for its britches.

Got Xbox Gamepass so I finally got to put my hands on this little joint. Nothing I need to say that anyone else hasn't, its a marvel, great puzzle, some great "what the fuck" moments, really simple but evocative gameplay. This is one of those elemental games.

A game that obviously went through a tough development cycle and it shows in its performance issues, though those are partially due to the 2K launcher which is dogshit and ass and needs to be retired.
Full disclosure that I have not finished the game but the only reason why I haven't is because the 2k Launcher gave me a catastrophic bug that wouldn't let it launch. This game is endlessly charming, its so fun to have a comic book game that isn't afraid of being comic book-y. its bright, its got color, its interesting, you have goofy outfits and big bold attacks. Its well shot which is insane for a video game, most video games don't know what a camera angle is and this game busts out some genuinely inspired ones that create some evocative cutscenes. The character writing ranges from corny to incredibly well done, with it being some of the best appearances of many of these characters in years. It's content rich and mechanically dense with a lot of fun shit that comes from the way that its card based system interacts with the multiple mechanics that it gives per character. Its progression is a little jank and the game's very stingy but this is pretty easily managed with some very slight modding. I dunno. There's definitely issues, but this game really deserves acclaim. If I wasn't a mega Disney hater, I'd be pimping this thing everywhere.

This game gave me mild whiplash, hand cramps and at least two new kinks, so FromSoftware's vision prevails. Congratulations.

The game is ongoing development so I won't be too harsh on it but what I will say is: This game will take every opportunity to fuck you possible and you cannot let it. Cling to life, soldier, because you will kill them all. Kill. Them. All.

Deeply mechanically confused action game that seeks to blend a vision of Musou-like action rpg gameplay with MMO style rpg bosses leads to a game where you spend 40% of it pressing the same button and looping the same strategy to beat enemies of varying but generally uninteresting mechanical complexity. Story is alright but not enough to keep me through that. Great visuals, though.

I played this game for a short burst during October at the behest of a friend who wanted me to stream something a little spooky. I booted up the first level, expecting myself to be smarter than this old, classic video game, and then found myself getting my salad tossed 4 different ways before I even managed to get inside the building. I'm competitive, I'm spiteful and I love a game that hates me. This is it. When I return to it, I expect it'll climb to 5 stars.

I don't even know what this game is, dude. One of my friends invited me to play it and we spent 2 hours dicking around and killing mobs and inventing new spell combinations. Keep your eye on this one, its really a charming experience. Still clearly unfinished but that's fine with me.

This game is delightfully fascinating. Most of my time spent actually playing it was using the My Summer Car Online mod where me and a friend created a bit where we were unfulfilled, bitter lesbian partners living on the European countryside working on cars individually so we could drive away and leave each other. My friend got lost going on a grocery run and flipped her car over twice and when she got back I found out she spent all our money on beer and none on food. Perfect game. Literally only rating it 4/5 stars because MSCO went paid and now we can't revisit this astounding joke.

this game is, uh, ass. lmao. i played half of it on discord screenshare with friends and i was wowed by how consistently confounding it was. and not for lack of trying, there's genuine passion here and i think that its clear what direction ninja theory would head from here. they just needed... to bake this one a bit more.

This game is an astounding product for how fast it's been turned around, one of the first roguelite deckbuilders to genuinely feel unique and not like someone purely trying to rip Slay the Spire even if the DNA is still there. It needs work, a good handful of it, to be up there with the enduring greats but for what it is it really is a treat. I'm a late bloomer. Bite me. Yeah, its fun.

This game needed a better fighting shot than what it got. Bamco launched this thing with no expectation of its current running series, Witch From Mercury, to do the numbers or attention that it got and it shows in every fiber of this production which didn't push anything new but instead tried to get old fans back with a modern kind of shooter that probably doesn't fit Gundam very well. On top of that, it was poorly advertised. Its monetary system was crushing and way too limiting, meaning that unless you forked over cash there was no way you were earning a single one of those locked suits. It had a strange selection of mobile suits that didn't quite hit the level of "wow cool deep cut" but also didn't cover all the bases on classics that everyone loves.

This game was confused. It was an obvious attempt at trying to bandwagon on a popular style of game. That'd be a lot less bad if it was a lot more focused and a lot better made. But it wasn't all bad, it was fun, it was snappy, the maps weren't perfect but many of them were charming and it was fun that it managed to feel a bit different than the games it was shamelessly chasing. I hope Bandai's next endeavor is better reasoned.