Neat game, unfortunately the framerate isn't stable and can break the immersion at times, and some of the outcomes of the choices we made felt they were predetermined regardless of the option we picked. Pretty spooky and definitely a fun time with a friend or partner. 70-75.


I played it on Nightmare and the scaling of the damage enemies doubt/the awful checkpointing system made me stop playing. Eternal is infinitely better.


Really engaging and creative combat, the environment and world design is fantastic and immersive with a variety of choices on how to manuever the world /engage with the enemies.

The implications of the narrative were interesting and thematically this game is very up my alley. However the ending fell a bit flat for me, after reflecting on it I have come around on parts of it but one reveal in particular really didn't gel with me.

That doesn't detract from the enjoyment I had traversing the environment and figuring out the systems of the game. Really glad I played it.

Atmosphere, music and world design are all 10s, thematically interesting despite it's age and well known twist. The combat isn't very engaging or difficult. I found there was a difficulty spike towards the end of the game with an abundance of health kits and eve hypo. Overall an interesting and fun time, glad I finally got to around to it. 85-90.

The game that got me into reading files/audio diaries in games, fantastic atmosphere and setting, The Oldest House is a great environment to explore and the lore/narrative was thoroughly engaging throughout. Combat can be repetitive but it's always fun to use the different powers.

A step down in most aspects from the first game, I enjoy father/daughter stories but this one didn't really hit me that hard, the antagonist wasn't interesting and the environments didn't feel as immersive as in the first game. The combat was enjoyable, nice to not have to switch between using plasmids and weapons. 75. Edit: Finished Minerva's Den, much more emotionally engaging story and condensed Bioshock's best aspects into a short yet tight 4-5 hour package. 80.

Fairly enjoyable, the story isn't all that interesting or engaging and the worldbuilding was a little underwhelming, though as an immersive sim it was a fun time to zone out to.

Pretty decent DLC. It gave me more of the Doom Eternal combat loop which I loved in the base game. The environments in this were a step up as well, the art direction is really inspiring when you're jumping all over the levels.

However, while I did like the challenge at points, sometimes it just felt like the devs made this DLC for people who love a brutal challenge from Doom. I like a good challenge, I bought the DLC after all. Though at points, in particular the Holt slayer gate. I felt it was too much of a difficulty spike that went over the line of fun into frustrating.

I'd recommend it if you loved Doom Eternal.


Really bounced off it hard, try as I might to play it, the puzzles at points were very obtuse and I missed a hidden page early game that was crucial to progressing, which stonewalled my enjoyment and progress.

The encounters as well, specifically with the bosses felt they had no strategy to them either, just cheesing until they went down.

Short with a lackluster first boss. Aesthetically loved everything about it and it gets 1/2 star for the Friede boss.

Like the previous DLC AoA, I loved what this did aesthetically. From knows how to create gorgeous enthralling worlds and environments.

The enemy and boss designs were great, and more challenging than the base game from a gameplay perspective. A good ending for DS3.

Fantastic entry in FromSofts catalogue. At times brutally, crushingly hard and caused a mental breakdown in me in the final boss. However, it's combat design and depth is one of the best videogames have to offer and I enjoyed the lore/aesthetics of it's world.