Puts a really fun cap on Cold Steel. Excited for Reverie!

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Easily my favorite of the Cold Steel series. Really enjoyed Rean as a teacher and the overall falling action of the climax. New Class VII were charming additions to the cast as well.

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After one hell of a cliffhanger from Trails 1, we get a flawed but still enjoyable second act to the game. Probably my least favorite of the Cold Steel games but still funny.

A bit of a stepdown from the highs of Sky and the Crossbell duology but still really funny.

One of Trails' biggest strength is letting you explore its well-realized world, and that strength has never been more apparent than in Zero, where Crossbell really comes alive. Top-quality stuff.

A great end to the trilogy. Kevin Graham remains one of my favorite protagonists in gaming.

An improvement on the first game and genuinely one of the best RPGs I've ever played.

Trails is one of the great JRPG franchises, and this is a worthy first entry.