20 reviews liked by Val7

Free Palestine, fuck Neil Druckmann and fuck the games industry for making game developers squander their lives in pursuit of realistic depictions of unfathomable cruelties.

Edit: This review was written from just aimless anger at a foolish man that is just one cog of support for this cruel machine, while it felt good, it's better to help the people there now. Please consider using this link and support humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip.


We have work to do.

DOOM Eternal is a lot of fun. Also features another great soundtrack by Mick Gordon, which alone elevated a few gameplay segments to some of my favorites I played this year. However, in their move to a more cartoonish presentation, some of the magic of DOOM 2016 was lost. The story is also a mess, and feels unnecessarily disconnected from its predecessor.

"i dont understand!! when does he say im yiiking out?"
"why are you criyng?"

Quit around 40 hours in, i really really tried to get into xenoblade but i dont understand the appeal at all.

The story feels uninspired, generic and afraid of getting into darker topics for god knows what reason (maybe nintendo knowing its aimed to manchildren? idk)

The world design is as bland as it gets, its just your usual wannabe open world with collectible trash thrown on top just to appease people with adhd ig

Now for the characters... I couldnt find any of them interesting and it doesnt help that the game just throws flashbacks randomly at you throughout different points of the story so you can empathise with them, its a really off-putting choice that just makes me not care for any of them but ig that's what happens when you cant find talented people to write a seamless and cohesive story

Music is mid and the english voice acting is awful, whats really trashy about this is that the subtitles for the script are based off the english version which deviates a bit from the jp.

Technically speaking its also really bad, mostly due to the switch's dated hardware, they clearly use some sort of reconstruction method to clear the image from a 540p resolution which looks almost passable when the camera isnt moving but when it is moving oh boy is it awful.
LOD popping is also a distracting thing but i didnt mind it that much considering how blurry the image was.
Framerate is also quite unstable when battling.

Gameplay is fine ig, nothing out of the ordinary and quite exploitable.

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you ever get 60 hours into the 4th entry (i had a wii u) of a series you have a long history of liking, but you're finding yourself reaching for auto-battle and auto-optimise and beelining through the main quest because you just feel drained?

im done with the 20 year long chain attacks that all play out the same, the comically bad villains with horrendous dialogue, the music that feels like all the composers went "another xenoblade game, sure", this ai generated journey through "maktha wildwoods" or "erythia sea", your ethels and your miyabis and your mwambas or the countless side characters i have lost track of, the 6 buttons in combat that all exist to be pushed in very unsatisfying ways, the classes in which you pick your favourite shade of blue, red and green (they're all the same shade of blue, red and green)

to be fair i also didnt care for any of 2's plot or characters either. or x's for that matter. the worlds/combat/music there still felt top notch and i came out of those games still greatly having enjoyed them. those games actually felt fun to play. but i was also a good deal younger so idk

this has shaped up to be my danganronpa v3 i think. that was ironically a game i really liked, but my experience with this just reminds me of how a lot of people talk about that. im a few hours into chapter 6 and im thinking of calling it quits. idk. not marked this abandoned yet because i havent decided.

that one sequence everyone talks about is legitimately that good though, and pretty much the only time i felt i was getting some pay-off from this game

One of, if not the best, Bethesda games that have come out. The amount of gameplay that one can squeeze from this game is extraordinary. There are quests, sidequests, reading, exploring, etc., which the players can spend hours and hours on.

Modding this game so FNAF Chica beats a FALL GUY with rusty crowbar as MOON KNIGHT watches in terror.

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