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This ranking and review are based on my experience as a year 1 player. The game launched sometime in 2018, which is when I began, some months after initial launch.

I was very on and off with legends after its first 2 years. In 2023 I returned back to the game fully and began spending. It was 100% a problem and I had a gambling addiction.

There was a time where Legends was my most played game. And the 1st year of the game was excellent. 2023 was also a great year overall.

There's a lot this game does wonderfully. It has unique characters not featured in most Dragon Ball media. It has faithful animations that capture the scenes they're recreating. And team building is enjoyable.

Like most gacha games it's unbalanced, but for a long time it wasent too bad. As you had many teams and options to pick from. There were times where this was not the case. When Red Lf Gohan got a Zenkai the meta was broken.

Now the meta is terrible once again with Super 17, Ultra Gohan and Golden Frieza. Teams and banners you spent money on last year are now obsolete.

The game is beautiful visually and it's fun to play, but it does not respect your time, and it has never improved its core mechanics since launch. PVP is probably the worst it has ever been, and there are basically no events or modes right now. The 6th Anniversary is coming up so maybe it can save the game, but they've already lost me.

I feel better now that I quit. It had a very negative impact on my life I would say, aside from one friend I made who played the game.

This half star rating is based on my current impressions of the game. I used to love it. And my addiction is my own fault. I was not strong enough to fight it.

That said, I still see it as predatory now. I can't in good faith recommend it. Just play any other DB game and stay away from this.