I remember this. I was trying to find it earlier this week because I know it got taken off the App Store but I couldn't remember the name.

It was pretty simple, but the "tone" actually worked pretty well? It felt very bleak and desolate, you felt very alone and out numbered. Graphically this game was VERY impressive back in the day.

I don't think it ever had much of a story. It was just a bunch of levels that got progressively harder.

It's been years, and I don't think there's any way you can play it unless you have like an IPhone 4 with the game booted up.

But it'll be forgotten otherwise so I wanted to log that it existed at least. It had a ton of potential.

Played this all the way through back in the day. The mission structure was pretty tedious and repetitive, but the game controlled well and it didn't really overstay its welcome either.

There really isn't much to say here just because the sequel came out and is basically this game but 100x the amount of content: still, decent game at the time.

This game was actually super sick back in the day. Basically a full online team shooter but it controlled great even for a mobile game. It had cool visuals. The cover system worked nicely. The gameplay felt snappy and smooth. I used to get a ton of streaks going in this one.

I must also mention the maps were pretty well designed. The spawn points felt fair and never felt like you could camp and kill people.

Especially for the time, this was really good. I don't believe the game is still active, but for the time I really enjoyed it. Great little game

I played this a LOT. At the time the visuals were pretty good and the gameplay, while simple, was engaging with a real sense of progression. It felt like it rewarded good play as well rather than just OP suits and builds.

I don't believe you can play it anymore, but it was pretty solid for a free game.

HOTTEST TAKE INCOMING: I like this game and it gets overhated.

It is so weird and over the top stupid, yes. Absurdly edgy, the dialouge is terrible. Yes having to play the first level 10 times is annoying. And yes the controls are a little slippery.

To start, I like the presentation a lot. The CGI cutscenes still look great. The best part is, funny enough, the gunplay. The weapons all feel really good to use, and when you have a full meter with unlimited ammo for a brief period? My goodness you can just go on a rampage. It feels really good. The music is also pretty sweet.

The mission structure I will admit is pretty bad. I'm a big fan of the branching paths on paper, in execution it is lacking because a lot of the missions just suck and they're really specific. But you don't have to do all of these. Maybe like 2-3 max if you do your pathing right. Most of the time you can get to all 10 endings just by clearing the level normally, and running through the levels normally is fun!

I really did not mind replaying the levels over to do this because I was having fun. So I think it dosent deserve all the hate it gets. If any of you have played Sonic Boom, you know that it could be WAAAAY worse.

I cannot stand this game. I'm biased because back when this game dropped I was in school and literally everyone was playing it and wouldn't stop talking about it.

I tried many many times to get into it, but I just find it tedious and dull. You spend most of your time not playing the game as you wait literal days for stuff to be built. Raids are boring. The whole thing just feels really cheap animation and production wise and everything is absurdly expensive to build.

I can't reccomend.

Played this ages ago the first year it dropped. Alongside Future Fight.

My thoughts are? I don't get it.

This game dosent offer anything mechanically. You swipe and block, sometimes you tap a button or two. It isn't like FF where you can upgrade and build a unit. You have to summon for the exact same unit just at a higher star level. Maybe that's changed recently but I'm not aware of it.

Graphically it's not impressive at all. I just don't get the appeal behind this game or why anyone would bother spending money. (Ironic coming from me and my DBL gacha addiction.)

I played for maybe a year or two on and off and it never got better.

Ah Future Fight, this game takes me back. There were so many Marvel games on Mobile. This, Contest of Champions, Puzzle Quest, I'll talk about those later, but I bring it up because Future Fight REALLY stood out back in the day.

I played this basically in the first few months of release, for about 3-4 years. I REALLY loved this game and every update. It was the first time I spent money on a game, not because I had to, but because I legit enjoyed it and felt the devs deserved it for creating such a fun experience.

I played this game a LOT. I was part of a community for the game. I was in a guild with some nice people. I made posts on forums actively reviewing characters, builds, how to clear hard stages like World Boss and Shadowland.

Something changed in the game over time. It became a lot more pay heavy. Most characters are only good when they had uniforms. T2 upgrades weren't good enough. (Now they have T3 I think)

I look at what it's become and it feels absurdly bloated and overwhelming. And most of that content isn't even accessible, you have to be omega high leveled or a whale.

I think it's a shame to see that the game ended up not doing that great, because I thought it was pretty awesome back in the day. I have a ton of good memories.

This game is exactly the same as Injustice on mobile, just with a WWE skin. I also played this a lot. But I don't care about WWE as much as DC, so I only really enjoyed it because of the gameplay. That said, the animations felt and looked better in this game than Injustice.

I'll give it the same score.

I spent an unhealthy amount of time on this game when it came out.

It's actually pretty cool in terms of how much DC content they crammed in. They even made all new characters with unique animations and supers: like they took the time to design new models and animations.

One thing to note is that this game was pretty broken when it launched. They have the option for you to buy currency or packs, but when it launched you could just change the date on your phone and get an infinite money glitch. So you could just open infinite packs for anything you wanted. And they didn't fix it for the longest time too!
I don't play it anymore, but for what it was at the time it was fun, albeit simple.

See my comments on 2033 for this game, except that everything is just better here. Presentation wise it's way better, lightning is fixed, the safe stations and little hub areas are now bigger and have more life in them. Combat feels better. Just overall a stellar upgrade over the first game.

It's not my favorite shooter, and at times it can feel slow. But overall just a really great time. Would highly reccomend.

I own a physical copy of this game that comes with Last Light. I decided to make 2 seperate posts just for consistency sake.

I enjoyed this title. Felt kind of like a passive experience, just a solid shooter with some unique monsters and mechanics.

The game was WAAAAAY too dark visually: it was very hard to see what was going on sometimes, I don't think it was intentional.

The gunplay feels good and the setting feels very cool and refreshing. I love each little safe station serves as a breather before you depart back out to the surface. You meet some interesting people in these areas too.

It's been years since I played it, but it's for sure a good game. Last Light I feel like just did the same thing but way better.

This is a great version of Platnium. Faster battles, tons of encounters, and new battles and scenarios that mostly feel good. Some feel kinda stupid, like Aaron literally just shows up and challenges you with his dumb strong team out of nowhere. The game in general is way way WAY harder than base game.

If you play this normally you will have a decent time. If you try to Nuzlocke this game you will be miserable. I have probably reset at least 50 times at this point, I either wipe out totally and lose or I just got too many mons killed to crits. You basically need to reroll for Shell Armor on Turtwig for the run to go well.

Theres a ton of work put into this and it's solid and really cool. It's frustrating in the fun way, but it can feel punishing if you arent playing normally. I'd still recommend overall.

EHHHHHHHHHHH. I had a hard time ranking this one. I beat it a few weeks ago and have just been mulling my thoughts.

I started a run of this game years ago when I got it but I got so bored after gym 2 I stopped. I felt it was too easy.

I beat the game doing a semi blind nuzlocke run. I'm sure most of you know what that is but if you don't: you can only catch the first pokemon you encounter in each new named area, and if your pokemon faints, it's dead and cannot be used. I throw it into the PC in a graveyard. Because Shield is a bit weird with the wild encounters being static in the overworld, I did not count any static overworld pokemon. Only grass patches. Also I played on Set mode which is way harder.

So ok, I felt the game was too easy so I added self imposed rules to make it harder. And it DID make the game more enjoyable. I didn't lose a ton of teammates, maybe around 8-9. For a mostly blind run (since I've never gone past gym 2) I thought that was pretty good, I got pretty decent encounters and variety as well. And there were a lot of moments since I was on Set mode where I really had to think about my next course of action.

There's other general stuff I like about the game. All the gym leaders are pretty cool. I love the stadium as the backdrop for everything. The new Pokemon are actually awesome and I liked a lot of them. My Greedent which was one of the first encounters I had ended up being the MVP of the entire run. Super tanky and body slam two shot basically everything. Also, it has great music like most Pokemon games.

So there's a ton of issues that bog down the experience a lot. First, Hop is mad annoying. Even with the nuzlocke rules, he was honestly super free until the very very last battle. Probably one of the weakest rivals in all the games. He feels like a way worse Barry. I get what they're going for that he's weak on purpose, but I don't think it worked because the character is still too arrogant for most of the experience. I will say that the story of his Wooloo going in and out of the team was cool.

The game is just bloated with a lot rival type characters like Hop who are way too easy and don't really contribute much. Marie is alright and she has a decent design, but she dossnt do anything other than battle you. Bede is also mad annoying. Here it felt like they were trying to do Silver again, but it also didn't work. Whatever arc is intended here, Bede is barely in the game, so it feels hollow.

To go back to Marie. Easily the worst team in all of the games. Team Yell might as well not exist, like all they do is serve as a very minor inconvenience. It's legit a team of simps.

The story in general is pretty bad. Basically anytime anything interesting happens, it's in the background and Champion Leon with his Charizard that they 100% do not make clear enough that he has a Charizard, yeah he shows up and says "I got it, you just go get the next badge." And then the stuff with Chairman Rose is so horribly forced in. And also right at the end: it felt like they just forgot about the character and were like "oh yeah, he's in the game..."

The game also feels REALLY cheap. That body slam on Greedent is strong but the animation is laughable. I think they spent most of the budget on Dynamaxing animations.

So where do we rank this? I was hovering around a 3 because I did enjoy the game as a Nuzlocke. But that's a personal decision I made. I think the game as is is just average. Not AS bad as I remember, but not great.

I feel like this one sentence took more effort to write than how this game was developed.