The Humongus games are ones I have fond memories of. I didn't play all of them, but I played most, and Freddi Fish was a notable entry. This one with the haunted school was really cute, I remember the shark characters. It's a very cosy and relaxing game which I will probably say for most of them. I actually was never too huge on Freddi and Luther as characters: I liked Pajama Sam and Putt Putt more. But there isn't anything wrong with them persay.

It's been many years since I've played it but I actually do remember it and the twist it had. So that counts for something.

Not my favorite humongous game, but a solid one.

This review contains spoilers

200 reviews! I had a hard time picking my initial 100th post, but it was easier to pick this one. Truthfully, I mainly wanted to choose a game that had "2" in the name for an aesthetic purpose. But I happen to have a lot to say about this game as is.

Let's start by saying this: Out of all the games I have played, Outlast 2 has been burned into my mind as the most "dark." This is a game with no light at the end of the tunnel. There's no hope, or joy, it is all miserable and bleak and intense start to finish. I'm sure you can name many other games that are similar, but Outlast 2 is the most agressive when it comes to that. One of the first things you see in the game is a basement that has a floor made of dead babies. And the dead babies are positioned to form a cross. I tell most people about that when I describe the game for how overly messed up that is. It's almost comicial to write it out but that's the tone of the whole game.

In the first game there was some ultimate goal of escaping, both in base and Whistleblower. You literally and figuratively are descending into madness here. Like by the end of the game you are underground, the elevator has descended into your own hell. No one is coming to save you. You have no allies, you are alone and trapped in this nasty cave as the world falls apart above you.

So that's the general setup for the game and what you're going to experience. So let's talk about the good here. First of all the game is utterly stunning visually. I must highlight how good it looks even on Switch. It looks identical to every release. The lightning, the wind rustling over fabric. The liminal space on display here is impressive. There are hallways that are so intriguing in design that make you wanna take a screenshot. There's so much purposeful framing on display here. The sound design and music are spectacular as well.

One thing this game does perfectly that I need to highlight is how it transitions into segments, this game plays a lot with time and it jumps back and forth between Blake's childhood vs the present. The way in which you transition into these school sections are unbelievable. It's mainly how smoothly it happens, no loading, no big reveal. You open a door, hide in a locker and come back out, boom, you're in the school. You turn around and you're in a new area. They are all placed at appropriate moments and the space between those sections are great.

So overall presentation wise the game is a knockout. But the rest of the game, sadly, for how much I love parts of it, is really lacking, messy, and ripe with problems. While it is intense to run around and be chased, your first time through, you have no clue what's going on and the map design is really bad. The area you're meant to go in is almost never marked, save for a few sections that are obvious, and visually the game is extremely dark a majority of the time. So you are just bumping into everything like an idiot and dying on repeat your first playthrough. The first game was a lot more linear with tight corridors, while this game is more open with empty space. But the window in which you need to progress is still the same size. So that dosent work.

I find this game really fun to speedrun. By design it's a running simulator, so speedruns to me just make sense. But that brings up a big issue with the game which is that running is really the only thing you ever do. It's actually not worth it to hide at all unless you don't know what you're suppose to do. You can just dart past everything, even most encounters on the hardest mode are able to be brushed over like this. There were times I legit ran the past the enemy and got into the checkpoint which despawned all the enemies. So about half of this game mechanic wise isn't worth doing. On a technical level, it's a very sufficient and beautiful experience, but in terms of structure, the game is poor. It's like having a stunning environment to play in, but the items you're given to play with are not that fun.

These issues also sink into the story as well. There was a lot of cut content here and it shows. The villains to start are non existent for majority of the game. Papa Knoth, who I consider to be the central antagonist, appears exactly twice in the game. His servant Martha is in the game more than he is. Val is the same story. You see her once in the beginning and then at the end, and you never find out what happens to them. Lo and behold, by looking at the cut content there are files that show Val and Martha getting into a fight. So that's what was meant to happen. In general, you'll find that basically all the cut content would have helped the story a lot.

Blake in particular has this the worst. There are audio files of him going crazy, repeating songs out loud, laughing like a maniac. It's reasonable to assume he is going crazy because he thinks he's a school child again, but then you play as him in the present and he seems totally normal. The only weird things he says are in the stuff you record with your camera, the commentary he gives shows his grip on sanity waning. But why aren't those other audio clips in the game? Dont get me wrong, I understand cutting out rape sounds and stuff, they felt like that was going too far. But they straight up removed parts of their game that give you a good idea of what's going on. I don't understand. Your first time through you have no clue what's going on unless you pick up a very very specific note really far off your path. In an area you don't have to go to and that you never would unless you knew about it. And for whatever reason this one note is the one that explains basically the ENTIRE story.

So ok, we established that thematically this game is lacking. But let me pose this question: what is this game aiming to do, and how does it want you to feel? Because my answer to that would be it's trying to make you uncomfortable and unnerved, and it does that very well.

Heres what it comes down to at the end of the day: despite all the issues this game has, it delivers on what it wants. Even with the weird story, forgettable characters and poor gameplay. This isn't like Blair Witch where you feel like the experience is a waste of time. This is so visceral and intense and in your face. Normally for average games I don't think of them much, yet this one has been burned into my mind since I first played it.

I've never played a game that is so mixed but I end up appreciating anyways. I personally enjoy it a lot.

So what do I rank it? I won't actually. Out of every post on this page, this will be one of the only games I will not assign a score out of 5 to. I think it exists on its own scale. You can't really evaluate a game like this if you ask me, with a score system, for all it does wrong and right. To me, this is one of the most bleak and dark games I've ever played and it will stay that way for a while.

Tune in to my next post as we look at the Freddi Fish games!

This is a precursor and buildup to my 200th review on this website. You can probably guess which game it'll be...

Anyways, this is one of those games where when I initially played it I was honestly too scared to even finish it. I had to slowly make my way through and force myself to beat it.

Nowadays I don't really find the game scary since I've beaten it many times. I mainly just enjoy it as a solid horror experience with decent controls and pretty visuals. The game holds up graphically even after 10 years. The character models do look like Play Doh sometimes, but the setting and lightning are still great. There's really great framing and striking moments in many areas.

It has great music that adds to the suspense and memorable characters like Chris and Trager. It's also fun to vault over things and run around. This game and the second are pretty fun to speedrun, which I'll talk about more about in the second game.

While this game is fun, mechanically it is a little too simple: the Ai in particular is really poor even on hard difficulties. Once you squeeze between a bookshelf you're basically always safe. It's a real immersion breaker when Chris can bust through walls and rip people in half but some cabinets are in his way and he suddendly can't chase you.

A lot of the sections are also too similar. Pull X Levers to progress. The most interesting moment is with Trager where you need to move an object out of the way, but it's in a long hallway where he can easily spot you. So you have to be careful sneaking in to push it and then running and hiding if he spots you.

It's still charming despite its simplicity. Miles is easy to relate to even as a silent character. And the setting is really cool. It just isn't really that scary these days unlike something such as Amensia. But it's certaintly a solid game.

I mainly just have more to say about the sequel...

This is one of the most bizarre gaming experiences I've ever had. On one hand, it is actually a really interesting and enganging story of being in a city that is falling apart and collapsing progressively. There is so much destruction and death in this game. You encounter so many characters at varying levels of conflicts: people who lost their homes, scammers, thief's, and then you have people just trying to survive and make it through this tough time.

But then you get to the other half of this game and the other half is a totally absurd 4th wall breaking chaotic experience. It is so wacky and stupid. All the characters are so zany and off the walls. There's a part where you get hailed as some sort of savior and your reward is being able to change the title of the game.

It's really hard to evaluate a game like this. It dosent really follow any theme or cohesive story. Things just happen. Sometimes it's serious, sometimes it's utter nonsense.

But the reason why I'm ranking it so high is because I actually remember nearly the entire experience. It's certaintly memorable. I remember the characters, setpieces, the locations, the items I had to get. That's more that can be said compared to most games.

I think in general it's hard for me not to like a game like this. It has its own vision and way to tell its story and it made it special. So I really enjoyed it overall.

I actually never liked this as a kid. Especially having the first 2 games on GameCube already, and Complete Saga on Wii, I felt like the trade off of it being portable wasent enough to lower the quality of the game.

It's been many years since I've played it, but I respect it for what it was going for. And it's pretty impressive for what they were able to get away with here. It's certaintly a lengthy experience. You can really feel the way everything is compressed here from the cutscenes to the level design.

There really isn't any reason to ever revisit this, but it's a cute piece of history and if you like Lego games, maybe this one would be worth something to you.

This game is utterly terrifying.

It's actually one of the very first games I have any memory of playing. Loved the movie and show as a child and my local library always had this disc to borrow.

To say this game is low budget is an understatement. Even for 2001, this had to have been one of the cheapest games made that year. There are basically zero animations, all of the audio is compressed and low quality. There is barely any music, and what ones are here, loop every 10 seconds. There is basically no combat, and the game uses tank controls like RE4. Having to turn your entire body just to move in a direction.

So what makes this game scary? Well for one the lack of animations create an uncanny valley of discomfort. But in general the audio clips and music in the game is just super unsettling. Look up the music for Jimmy's house in this game. Does it sound like a cozy middle class home?

Area 51 is what really scared me at first. The track is this loud dub step type beat on a loop. It's totally barren and empty, aside from a patrolling car who takes you back to spawn if you get caught.

Then you get captured by the aliens. "INTRUDER ALERT" they yell in the background, their arms outstretched. And all you can do is run. You have no way to defend yourself apart from going invisible.

You feel really alone in this game. Unintentionally so because of the budget, but the maps are barren. No life, no energy. The towns are deserted. There are only NPC's when they need to be there for a mission.

But then you look in the background and can see the adults being warped up in the spaceship, just barely out of reach. There is something so unsettling going on here. You are so powerless and alone, and in the background you see people getting abducted. Coupled with the creepy music and uncomfortable cutscenes, this game becomes something more sinister than what it was aiming for.

I'm not really sure what to rank it, but one thing I liked is you can go to the amusement park and ride some rides. Also it was fun to fly around in the rocket ship. So it gets minor points.

But yeah, this game is creepy. I was scared of it for many many years as a kid.

This ranking and review are based on my experience as a year 1 player. The game launched sometime in 2018, which is when I began, some months after initial launch.

I was very on and off with legends after its first 2 years. In 2023 I returned back to the game fully and began spending. It was 100% a problem and I had a gambling addiction.

There was a time where Legends was my most played game. And the 1st year of the game was excellent. 2023 was also a great year overall.

There's a lot this game does wonderfully. It has unique characters not featured in most Dragon Ball media. It has faithful animations that capture the scenes they're recreating. And team building is enjoyable.

Like most gacha games it's unbalanced, but for a long time it wasent too bad. As you had many teams and options to pick from. There were times where this was not the case. When Red Lf Gohan got a Zenkai the meta was broken.

Now the meta is terrible once again with Super 17, Ultra Gohan and Golden Frieza. Teams and banners you spent money on last year are now obsolete.

The game is beautiful visually and it's fun to play, but it does not respect your time, and it has never improved its core mechanics since launch. PVP is probably the worst it has ever been, and there are basically no events or modes right now. The 6th Anniversary is coming up so maybe it can save the game, but they've already lost me.

I feel better now that I quit. It had a very negative impact on my life I would say, aside from one friend I made who played the game.

This half star rating is based on my current impressions of the game. I used to love it. And my addiction is my own fault. I was not strong enough to fight it.

That said, I still see it as predatory now. I can't in good faith recommend it. Just play any other DB game and stay away from this.

This was not the first FE game I played, but it's a remake of one of the first ones so I'll start here.

I was already familiar with the gameplay and mechanics so this experience felt like something I could comfortably run through. One thing I enjoyed is being able to customize anyone into any class. It certainly made the run more interesting. And there was a fair level of challenge even with a large roster of units.

While I enjoyed it, the game felt like a passive experience. The map design wasent anything special, and I didn't care about the story at all.

The biggest issue with this game is how ugly it is. Probably the worst looking Fire Emblem game ever. And on Wii U these bloated visuals are now expanded and stretched out to look worse. The GBA games looked way better.

Good for one playthrough, but nothing more.

I'm mixed overall. I love the style this game has even if it isn't graphically impressive. It's unique and works well for the universe. It controls very well, I love flying around the map and the combat, even if it's simple. It's nice to finally have an open world DBZ game.

But it's extremely repetitive. Once you play for about 5 hours you've seen most of the game and are just playing for cutscenes and story. It tells the story fine, but I don't think it's as crazy as it was hyped up to be.

This is a really unpopular opinion, but I actually liked the Card Warrior side mode a lot. Maybe it's my gacha addiction speaking but it was like Hearthstone with DBZ skin. It was fun. A shame that they shut it down.

Anyways, the base game is decent fun for one run.but I don't feel a need to play it again, or try the DLC.

Revisiting this gem of a game recently and I still love it. Some minor issues out of the way: the tutorials early on are obnoxious and there's no way to get through them fast. There are some annoying enemy types. The one thing I also never liked is even if you go to the same area bowser is in as the bros, he is nowhere to be seen. I get WHY this happens, but it just felt off. Finally, I never liked using the mic. Mine broke years ago so I could never get past the first giant battle.

Ok so why is this game amazing? First of all, the way it utilized both screens to separate the playable characters is brilliant. It's practical and flavorful at the same time. There's a clear vision here presentation wise and it's a knockout. Having Bowser in the story is the real appeal and it adds a really fresh new spin on the franchise. Unintentionally working together with the antagonist is just such a fun premise and they run with it. The setting in his body gives way for many creative set pieces.

The combat is perfectly tuned. And switching to Bowser is done at just the right moments to avoid repetition. Theres tons of side content that's worth doing and it feels rewarding. The music is excellent. Tons of fun mini games. Good levels of customization and unlockables to power up the characters. And it's worth it to explore old areas with new powers.

So much to love and so much going on here. This is one of the best DS games ever and the best Mario RPG ever. A classic that I will come back to for many many years to come.

Now this is an awesome underrated gem. Presentation is excellent, with extremely crisp and smooth animations. The 3 party system fits perfectly into a Dragon Ball setting, and the turn based combat is engaging and rewards creativity and patience. Every character feels useful and has something unique to offer. The Sparking Meter lets you pull off really cool and clutch stuff.

Leveling up feels really good and doing side content feels rewarding.

My only real gripe is I wish it was longer. Stopping at Saiyan Saga is a real shame. Especially since this has no sequel. A game in this style running through Frieza Saga would have been amazing.

Still this is a must play if you love RPG's and Dragon Ball. One of the best out there.

I liked this a lot more than Rev 1. This is more of what I was looking for from the last game.

The story is a bit better to start, but only really because of Barry and Natalia (I think that's her name, it's been a few years.) Claire is also decent even with the new voice actor. Moira is annoying, but she at least contributes and helps out so she's not like Ashley.

Gameplay wise it's more Akin to Last of Us. Stealth, crafting tables to upgrade weapons, picking up junk and making them into items. It works for this franchise. The game is campaign, but co-op is local only which is a shame.

Visually it's a bit below average considering the year it came out. It could look better. On switch it's serviceable.

The game has a good pace to it between the two narratives. Raid mode is also fun. The controls feel snappy. Not as fun as RE6, but close enough. It's a solid amount of content and value since it goes on sale for about 7-8 bucks.

The story gets really stupid at the end, and the enemy variety isn't great. Not a fan of the designs.

That said, I thought it was pretty great despite its flaws. The core gameplay loop was more interesting to me than Rev 1. But I understand why someone would like the first game more.

Solid RE game overall. It's a good mix of action and horror, like a combination of what makes the modern and old games fun.

Honestly? Way better than I initially gave it credit for. I was on and off with this one for a while. But I spent the past few days slowly running through the whole thing and it ended up being pretty fun!

The best way I can describe it is that it's a very watered down, basic cheaper version of platformers like Celeste. Lots of collectibles, cute visuals, with tight, solid controls.

It's a very simple game. You jump and hit things. But the level design promotes exploration and it lets you get new items, armor, relics that give you abilities. There's good variety there. And there is some real challenge as well in the boss fights.

My big gripes are with hidden walls being the norm for finding collectables. Sometimes you can tell they got kinda lazy and just put 2 secrets next to each other. It also ends very unceremoniously. The final level dosent feel very final. Even with the bonus stages, once you see "the end" you don't need to play any more.

It's nothing complex, but I honestly enjoyed it quite a bit. Good if you can get it cheap and want something to pass the time while you listen to something else.

Overland just didn't do it for me. I like the premise and the design of these creatures. I like how dark the game feels, being able to kill random people you encounter. The systems you have to manage with the car and its fuel are engaging.

I'm not really a fan of the presentation in general. The game is also way too short to have any substantial impact. And it does not warrant being played again. Once you beat it once you have seen everything. The ending also leaves much to be desired...

The gameplay is decent on paper. There's a risk vs reward system. But you honestly are advised to just run from everything instead of finding creative solutions to a problem. The combat dossnt give enough incentive to fight anything.

It's a harmless enough experience but super forgettable. And not something I can reccomend really.

A lot of my previous comments about White 1 apply here. Only now the content has been cranked up to 11.

The amount of fan service in this is unreal. And the story isn't as heavy, but still manages to be pretty solid in its own right. And now you have the mix of old and new Pokemon together creating one of the most fun natural experiences ever.

The old areas here get sick redesigns or add something cool in to spice things up. The new towns fit in perfectly.

It is so sad to see what a Joke Gamefreak has become. They are a shell of what they used to be. They are hollow. This has love and charm and passion oozing out from every frame and moment in the game. This had a real team of talented people who wanted to make this incredible.

And it is incredible.

My only gripe? The movie studio is trash. Cool concept but horrible execution.