8 reviews liked by VenomHost



be careful! if you say in chat that you beat this game, it will sound like a euphemism for "masturbation" !

another Zachtronics game that tricks you into doing work but somehow making it fun



you ain't from Michigan if you never done this befo



"You got a pecan for a brain."

Almost unrivaled as an evocation of setting. As an NO native nothing quite matches the intimate specificity that NORCO touches on, especially in a medium that rarely delves deeper than French Quarter caricature. Married with a brilliant thematic structure and devastating mood; the real Norco region is a cruelly perfect setting for sprawling petro-dystopia.

If you were to ask me what this game was about I could hardly tell you, other than those who made it really, really liked Evangelion. In terms of an actual game, it's a solid, flashy rail shooter that gets bonus points for being a game designed with the N64 in mind. I appreciate their desire to craft the game and its controls around Nintendo's unique controller, even if moving and shooting can sometimes feel like "rubbing your stomach and patting your head" syndrome. There were a few times in the game where it wasn't really clear where and what you needed to shoot to defeat certain enemies resulting in a little trial-and-error but overall I had fun with it. I've wanted to play this game for a long time but never got around to it until now. I came away being genuinely impressed with what they made.

Gonna have to shelf this because I lost my save data 15 hours in, but this was incredible up until then. Midgar in particular was one of the most tightly directed sequences i've experienced in gaming. The characters are developed so well and the music is so good and theres just so MUCH here in spite of the hardware. My only gripe is with the combat, which is usually simplistic and more of a chore than anything. If I didn't know about the big twist everyone loves to spoil it would've blown my mind.
Edit: I feel like I need to elaborate a little on how good the soundtrack. It makes some of the scenes downright gorgeous to experience and this game would not be the same without the tracks. I know the prelude is in like every game but this version really gives me chills when contrasted with the harshness of the beginning. Aerith's theme is great, the world map is great, and the bombing mission and cloud's flashback are given this incredible weight with the score. Its a big, big reason why this was so memorable to me.

simultaneously the best telltale game AND the best borderlands game! how did they do it!