Made me sob during the walk with my dog after I finished it.

My first true Mario game, has a special place in my heart.

One of the few games that I managed to get my dad to play when I was younger. I miss those times...

The very first video game I've ever played and by virtue the best Mario Kart game. No, I'm not biased.

I'm sorry but I've tried to play this on 4 separate occasions and can't bring myself to finish. It might be because something always gets in the way of it but maybe one day I'll see the light.

Peak. Don't ever ask me to play it I will say no

I'm furious that this was taken offline. Nintendo robbed us of a beautiful experience.

The only game I'd willing play as a cop.

Resseti made me cry as a kid and made me never touch this again.

I played this with my 5-year-old nephew and he called me the coolest person in the world when I beat World 1 Bowser. Made me feel like a king for the rest of the day.