133 reviews liked by Veznan


It really was kinobringers

Tetsuya Nomura is like Midas of the gaming industry, except everything he touches turns into shit instead of gold

If you are sad that bloober team is going to stomp on everything that Silent Hill 2 is all about with their eventual dogshit remake than don't worry because the best silent hill game made since 3 is right here! Enjoy this game while you can before people try and tell you it’s overrated or nothing but annoying people talk about it and get you mad

After losing my save when the game came out and putting off replaying back to where i was 2 years later i am happy i finally did it. I knew i would love it, i knew it would be amazing and still it blew me away.

Japon Dili'nden mezun olmak için duyduğuma göre bu oyunu %100lemeniz gerekiyormuş

Combining interesting setting and story with terrible gameplay.



the only enjoyable part of this game is in its last 3 hours which is relatively short for a 30 hour game (30 hours more if you wanna get the other route endings too), just dont waste your time on this and play silent hill 2 or OFF instead

PS:Screw Omocat for showing that they dont care about their PC gamers by making all of the new additions of the game console-exclusive, which is an insult to the literal core of rpgmaker vidya

Would you lose?
Nah, I'd reverse time 4 Minutes Before Death

Well this was definitely a journey,DQ7 is heavily flawed,most of the skills you get from grinding the classes are worthless and you end up using a few OP one over and over,trivilazing the fights,user interface feels very sluggish and cumbersome to control,game sometimes struggles on the 3DS,dungeons are overall very "meh" worthy,i can keep going,but in the grand scheme of things,these are fairly minor issues except for the very simple battles,because this game provides an overwhelming sense of scale and adventure like no other JRPG,every few hours you encounter different storylines,different towns with their own culture,atmosphere and characters,even if you don't like one,you can count on that it's going to end soon for a completely new island.Tone of some of these stories are surprisingly dark and melancholic,but never enough to kill that sense of joyous adventure.Out of the 3 Dragon Quest games i've played so far,7 easily has the best story and atmosphere,but it didn't still reached the heights of 11 for me,still a must play for those who can tolerate longer,slower paced RPG's

Hayatımda bu kadar amaçsız bir ekip, bu kadar klişe ve silik bir senaryo ve bu kadar sıkıcı bir son çeyrek görmedim, herhalde oynadığım tüm jrpg'ler içersinde bana hiçbir katkısı olmayan yegane oyun bu olabilir

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